Holocaust Encyclopedia (WLC)

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Christine Tompkins-Qusba
March 15, 2009 07:28 PM

In 1982 I went to Europe on a student tour. I toured Dachau and bought a book home on the camp. I talked extentsively with my father as he was in WW2. He never spoke about the war.
I never realized that his unit, the 63rd Infantry Division was one of the units that helped to liberate the camps, (Kaufering-Dachau subcamp, April 29-30, 1945) until now.

As the daughter of the "Greatest Generation", I remember his sober, tearful recollections of the war and the places he had been, where I toured 37 years later. My father died several months after I returned and our talk.

Let no one ever forget what happened during the Holocaust and keep the memory alive so no one ever goes through this again.
walter richards(Rechnitzer)
March 15, 2009 08:26 AM

I have looked and I have searched ,I know my father was taken to Nisko in Poland ,what can anyone tell me about Nisko.I know it was a prison but what happend there nothing more was heard from people send there.
My mother and brother and sister where in Auschwitz I do know and where murdered there but my Father I am still trying to get answers .Can any one helpme ,please o please let me die in peace I wake and I cry and search with tears in my eyes but of no avail ,where are the answers.
Father O father where did you die and why did you have to die so young only 39years old what a tragety
Jonathan R
March 13, 2009 04:07 PM

it was a good way 2 visualize the situation...
(but some words were dificult 2 pronounce)
Omar Martinez
March 13, 2009 04:05 PM

this article helped me lerned more about the holocaust
March 13, 2009 04:05 PM

This article was interesting and it made me visualize what the people went through.
toni gloria
March 13, 2009 04:01 PM

it amazes me how much history has evolved since then, i admire the perserverence each and everyone of those people had.
March 13, 2009 04:01 PM

I really believe that the hollocaust was one of the worst things to happen in history,aside of from slavery. I really hope that the sources that we have been left with today can help us in the future so that it doesn't happen again.
and like ellie wiesel said we never forget.
March 13, 2009 02:56 PM

This is really sad but educational and this site really helped me a lot with my homework. i wouold recommend this site for anyone who is Studying the holocaust and wants to know more,[thanks a lot. Now i can get on with my holocaust poster! for r.e
March 13, 2009 01:18 PM

This web site is amazing! a love everything. I was listening to the music. I really like how you have that on there. it has really changed over the years :)
March 12, 2009 10:00 PM

My class is learning about the Holocaust in my history and english classes. So far I learned a lot about it but it is very sad hearing about all of the people being killed because of Hitler's prejudice against Jews starting with his book Mein Kampf which everyone read and it started then.

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