Online Exhibitions
What's Your Experience of the Diary of Anne Frank

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Dylan K
February 14, 2011 11:15 AM

I can't believe that they lived in such a cramped space for so long. It makes me feel less depressed to know that people helped the Frank family out by bringing them food and supplies to live. Also I would be petrified too if there was bombing going on all around me. Anne Frank is one of the bravest people I know. Anne's story makes me so grateful of what I have going for me today. It makes me appreciate all of the things my parents do for me and that I have a house that I can live it. Also it makes me think twice about what Jewish people had to go through during the Holocaust. Anne Frank is very vital to the history of the Holocaust and I thank her very much for keeping a diary during those harsh times.
Nicole A
February 14, 2011 11:14 AM

Anne Frank's story is really something. It fascinated me. Anne Frank was really smart in writing in her diary about her story and attaching personal things. Her diary allows everyone to have access to a personal story about the Holocaust. It makes you feel the pain and hardship that these families went through. Without her diary, I would not have even been able to imagine the life these people were leading, from hiding in a small room with two other families to the difficulties of living in concentration camps. She turned a terrible story to read into a very interesting story, Anne Frank and her diary are both an inspiration to many people today.
February 14, 2011 11:14 AM

I think it is really interesting how such a young girl going through a situation like this, was able to be optimistic. Through Anne's writings, she shows great courage. She seemed to try to look on the bright side of things. Although, she was in a room and tiny living quarters with 2 families, Anne was able to find something to pass the time. Anne wrote about everything going on in Amsterdam at the time. She documented everything, which has helped us learn a lot of history during the Holocaust. Anne Frank is a hero known for her courage, optimism, and inspiration.
Steph S
February 14, 2011 11:12 AM

There is never a day where i dont want to see a light.
Going out without having to put on that yellow star.
Walking past people knowing that they are judging me.
Wishing i could make it all stop.
Just one day where i can be myself.
Not worrying about if the next guy to pass will kill me.
Sitting in this room for days on in
never knowing when the last day will come.
When i will never again be able to see the light of day.
The light that i have looked forward to since i came in here.
Hiding like i did something wrong.
While i am only a mere child.
sitting in a room with four walls and no windows.
waiting till the day that i can see the light without a fear.
February 14, 2011 11:11 AM

Anne Franks story is very sad and horrible. She talks about how her and her family are in hiding for a very long time to keep away from the Nazis. This would be a very scary thing knowing that if you were discovered at anytime you would be sent to a camp where you would most likely die. Anne Franks story is one of the most sad about the Holocaust.
February 14, 2011 11:09 AM

Its outstanding that Ann Frank was able to survive in the conditions that she did. Having to share a tiny, cramped apartment with another family, having to rely on goods smuggled in from friends. Having to survive in a concentration camp is almost impossible, but it would be even harder for a young teenager. She is a very inspirational person for many people.
Jordan K
February 14, 2011 11:09 AM

After looking at some of the pictures of the Annex, I felt heartbroken for the Frank Family. They had to live in a tiny room, isolated from the outside world. They had very little resources, but they did manage to live for 25 months.
February 09, 2011 06:26 PM

I am the same age as when Anne taken to the concentration camps and two years ago i started learning about Anne Frank. Her story has always touched me and made me very sad in not knowing why the human race would do this to each other. Now that i am the age she was when she was taken it touches me even more."God created one race the human race, people created racism."
February 04, 2011 09:24 PM

Anne Frank's story intrigued me. I knew very little about it, being stuck in the room with 2 families, and by then I was hooked. I am in the process of learning more and more of her, and it's so nice and refreshing to see the kind, caring mind of a curious new girl in a dark world full of twists and tears and tragedy, and her view of a difficult situation. Anne Frank's brilliance really sets everyone a picture of how the Jews felt in the Holocaust, a dark time in the history of mankind.
January 11, 2011 11:37 PM

I've read some her stuff and I just have to say it is a wonderful thing to survive such a difficult time. I cannot imagine how difficult it would have been to be in that situation. The good thing is that her dream of becoming a writer came true. It is truly inspiring!

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