Holocaust Encyclopedia (WLC)

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March 12, 2009 03:25 PM

i really like learning about the holocaust and what happened to everyone...i get on this website everyday to learn more!
March 12, 2009 02:59 PM

My class is studing the holocaust and Anne Frank, it breaks my heart to hear about how much pain these people went through. I dont know how I could handle that at my age.
March 12, 2009 02:52 PM

I love this sight it shows us what happened back then and how terrible hitler was im glad i have an educational sight to come too for learining
March 10, 2009 01:24 PM

why did anne frank constantly stay positive even in the most worst of times?
March 09, 2009 03:21 PM

The holocaust is a very grim part of our history, but it should not be forgotten. As grim as it may be it is very intersting to read and do research on and listen to survivors talk about their experience with the rest of the world. In time there will be no more survivors to tell the horrific story about the life of a Jew in the time of the holocaust.
March 09, 2009 03:20 PM

I think that this event is MORALLY wrong. and I think that killing off the Jewish population is wrong because they did nothing wrong!... I mean the Germans are the ones that are doing the wrong thing by killing Germans, Gypsies, and Johovas witnesse's and HOMOSEXUALS.
VERY WRONG & DISGRACEFUL. these people should be ashamed.
March 09, 2009 03:20 PM

That girl's story moved me sooo much. It was just heartbreaking what happened to her. :[ I think that would be the WORST thing that could everrrrrr happen to you. The whole nazis thing was very wrong and it is just disgraceful. I feel bad for all the Germans who aren't like this and now have to deal with prejudice for them. They killed soooo many for no reasons like the Gypsies, Homosexuals, and the Jehovah's Witness. GERMANS HAD NOOOOOO RIGHT!!!!
Freddy Plopper
March 09, 2009 03:19 PM

I feel bad that these little children had to go through these bad times in the war. I feel bad that the chikdren had to even witness the war!
Jaclyn Bugno
March 08, 2009 04:06 PM

My husband had an Uncle, Harry Bugno, who died in W.W.II who was with the Rainbow Division. He had a camp named after him, "Camp Harry Bugno" in Austria. He died in a battle in France winter of 1944 or 1945. If there is anyone who has knowledge please e-mail me with any information or pictures. I'm putting together a DVD with our Family Heritage and stories.

March 06, 2009 02:58 PM

WOW!!!! this is a very sad thing and i feel soooo bad for the jews and i really dont see what was the point for the holocaust b/c jews are just like us and i think that this is a very good website i am doing a research paper for my ELA. class and the things that ive seen is sooooo horible and i wished it would have never happened. i just hope nothing never goes down in history like that ever again. Also my maine reason for this is to thank this website me and my frandss LOVE it soo i just want to thank this website its sooooo useful to anyone who wants to learn!!!!!!

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