Online Exhibitions
What's Your Experience of the Diary of Anne Frank

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January 11, 2011 11:34 PM

It is really touching to see how the life of such a brilliant young girl was destroyed by the twisted mind of a man thirsty for blood and power. Anne Frank is an example of courage, hope and kindness, a really inspiring girl and an example for everyone
January 09, 2011 07:04 PM

The Diary of Anne Frank is a wonderful book. Especially since Anne made it more interesting. She brought out the true character in everyone to make it more like a story. She was a very sweet girl, and I only wish I could have met her. She had a strong heart, and never gave up, even in the darkest most terrible times. I have much respect for Anne, and truly admire her courage.
January 09, 2011 06:41 PM

I wish I could have gotten to meet her. She seems like an extremely sweet girl. Her heart and soul were always strong, even in the darkest times. She never gave up on anything or anyone. I truly respect her for that.
January 03, 2011 09:14 AM

I think that Anne was a very positive and strong girl. She held onto hope and still dreamed even though all seemed to be lost. During the time they stayed in the annex she was still herself. She didnt stop doing what she loved to do just because she had to go into hiding. She still wrote many short stories and kept a diary. She was such a remarkable young woman and she should be proud that her diary is now one of the best selling nonfiction books in the world.
January 03, 2011 12:06 AM

I think that Anne reminds me of me because she likes to write. Anne also likes to play with friends and make people laugh witch is things I like to do. Last thing I learned about Anne is that she wanted to be out in the air which was also like me, In fact the only thing I thought that was diffrent about us is that Anne wanted all the attention, I don't think attention is always good and Anne showed it in the story, like when she spilled milk on Mrs. Van Pels is coat I thought she did that for attention, even though it made veryone stop fighting
Alexandra C.
January 01, 2011 05:46 PM

What can I say? To me it was incredible to read Anna's thoughts. It sounded like they were the thoughts of a mature woman. That picture of the secret annex scared me. I just can't imagine living in such a place. I can imagine people being so discriminated. I seemed like a totally different world. It is sad. Extremely sad. I think that we-those who read her diary and understood her message-must try to be better people. We must spread her message. Let's be HUMAN BEINGS. Wasn't this her wish?
Matt C.
December 21, 2010 06:04 AM

I think that even though Anne was alive in a time very different from ours I could still relate to her because she is a lot like us today. She played with friends, took photos with family and friends, and had a diary like many girls today. She also wanted to be out in the fresh air and not have to be inside all the time which is just like me.
December 20, 2010 08:50 PM

I liked seeing the family pic.to know she was more then just the gril who was killed after going into hideing because she is a jew.
Maddy L.
December 20, 2010 08:27 PM

Learning about Anne Frank is very inspiring and I am very greatful to be able to learn about such a wonderful young woman. This website has been very helpful to me to learn about Anne Frank. I am a teenager and I know i wouldnt be able to deal with the living arrangements because i am a very talkative person and couldn't survive. Anne Frank is very inspiring and it is an honor to be able to study her.
Danny H.
December 20, 2010 07:13 PM

Anne Frank was an inspiring person because she showed me that throught the best of times and the worst of times you can be happy and lively and playful. I just couldn't relate to Anne because I haven't gone through the stuff that she has. I mean she died about a week or two before the war was over and everybody was let free from the camps. So nothing even close to that has ever happened to me.

THE END!!!!!

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