Holocaust Encyclopedia (WLC)

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March 05, 2009 09:58 PM

I saw the movie One Surviror Remembers in school. I am only 12 and I cried. I could not imanginge life being in the Holocaust. After I saw the movie I thought how I take all my stuff for granted and I dont know but I will never say I am bored ever again because well all these people were bored 24/7. So ya thought i would share that with you guys. My life will never be the same and neither will yours if you see this movie. :D
March 05, 2009 08:34 PM

I'm doing a school report on the holocaust and what these people had to go through it just breaks my heart to see these pictures of all the women,childer,and men that went through this.I think hittler is a horrible,terrible man and i hate what he did
March 05, 2009 01:09 PM

We are reading Daniels story in class. Now, we have to write a paper! This cite was extremely useful! This is very interesting and it has alot of imformation!
March 05, 2009 11:47 AM

I feel so sorry for the children and i got every thing i need to know off this website
March 04, 2009 11:39 AM

This is some extreme stuff. I don'tthink that any of the hardships I go through in life could even come close to compairing to the torture and obstacles that children much younger than me had to endure. These are true heroes that fought it out to the end.
March 03, 2009 06:14 AM

I think it is ver very sad that a man can destroy cities and countries only to fulfill his own dreeam and ideas,We should try to
learn a lesson from history,that such events can't never occur again.
The Philip Leow
February 25, 2009 04:21 PM

I think what Hitler did was horrible and anyone that would do that to people because of color is bad.
louise whyte
February 25, 2009 05:30 AM

I think this websit is soo thoughtful of u to have for everyone and children to now what happend in the world war two
February 21, 2009 09:03 PM

i think the holicast is horrid i dont think its right people got treated that way i resd a book on it its name is the boy in the striped pajamas its so sad please read it if you get a chanse!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Charlotte Stark
February 21, 2009 10:49 AM

I have a book titled "102 thru Germany" which belonged to my dad who was with the 102nd. In the book there is an article about the Gardelagen murders. By the article my dad wrote "this is true to the word, I saw it with my own eyes". I have looked at that note he made hundreds of times. I hope to visit that very place this fall and follow his "military" footsteps from there to Berlin. My dad never talked about this...is it any wonder? But he had constant nightmares. I remember this well.

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