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What's Your Experience of the Diary of Anne Frank

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January 13, 2013 06:45 PM

Reading The Diary of Anne Frank made me think about the horrors that occurred in the past. So many races and religions have been oppressed in the past before. There was oppression towards Jewish people during the Holocaust, toward Japanese people, and toward African American people when there was segregation between whites and blacks. However, none of these people suffered as much as the people in the Holocaust did. Anne Frank showed many great themes and traits in her. diary. She showed the importance of looking at the positive and good aspects in life and how important perseverance is. Anne didn't let the pain and frustration of going in hiding get to her. Instead, she decided to think of it as an opportunity to grow as a person and didn't let anything get int he way of her love for happiness, family, and friends.
Misaki S.
January 13, 2013 05:22 PM

My language arts teacher wanted us to read the diary of Anne Frank. I usually don't like reading diaries for it's boring in my point of view, but Anne's diary totally had me engaged. I am like Anne for I am rebellious on the inside, but the thing that makes me not like Anne is that I don't take my rebellious side out to show to everyone. Her diary is so compelling; it had me hooked right at the start. The way she talks about her trouble and everything was so wonderful. Hiding up in the Annex must have been tough for an energetic person like Anne. I know that when I have to stay quiet for a long time without moving is terrible. I always have to stretch out and talk and make noises. I could never do something like Anne did; stay quiet for such a long time. It must have been very boring with nothing to entertain her. I am glad that I live in this century where things like that don't happen. Anne's diary has helped me to understand how lucky I am to be living in this time period with the freedom of speech, religion, and everything. We can travel the world, dream anything and accomplish any dream. I feel really lucky that I am living in this century. Anne would love to live in our shoes right now, being able to do anything you please. I wish Anne would know how she engaged so many readers and helped them realize so many things that make us special.
January 13, 2013 05:00 PM

"The Diary of Anne Frank" made me realized that I should be thankful for the environment I am living in. The Franks, Van Daans, and Dussel went through so much difficulties that I could have never done. It was inspiring to see how Anne could stay so strong even in such times of suffering. Instead of falling into despair, Anne was very cheerful and shared her thoughts about her surroundings and expressed her feelings in her diary. I hope that someday I will be able to be just like Anne and have a strong mental strength even in difficult situations.
Dia Ree
January 13, 2013 04:49 PM

I read the book when I was 13. There isn't much to say. She was a brave person. She taught everyone not to let events like this happen again. She has taught us the importance of staying positive in any situation. I really wish she could come and see the profound effect of the work she has done. This is a book everyone should read.
January 13, 2013 04:18 PM

"The Diary of Anne Frank" by Frances Goodrich and Albert Hackett was both informative and pleasing to read. I found many aspects of this book so deeply described, it was titillating to my every last sense. I hope that someday I too, will be able to find the key to such perpetual mental strength even in times of suffering. Thank you Anne.
January 13, 2013 04:13 PM

The Diary of Anne Frank was a touching yet interesting book to read. The book is written by Anne herself and recounts the life of the members of the Secret Annex from the beginning (when they moved in) and to the end (when they were arrested by the Gestapo). I feel that Anne's description of her daily life reveals the difficulty of life in World War II; food was scarce and you had to be on your guard for the Gestapo. The Diary of Anne Frank has made me realize how fortunate my family, friends, and I are to live in a time where there is no country trying to take over the world. Overall, Annes' diary is a profound piece of writing everyone should read.
January 13, 2013 03:40 PM

To all, it is necessary to believe in people's honesty and kindness deep inside them, or all trust would be lost. When I read the Diary of Anne Frank, I really connected to her thoughts about the world. I may not agree with all her philosophical contemplations, but I know that everyone is entitled to their own opinion. I have contrived a few of my own idealistic philosophies. Anne is an idol to me.
January 13, 2013 03:37 PM

A few weeks ago, my class and I finished reading the play version of the Diary of Anne Frank. This was my first time actually reading the book. I had always heard of Anne Frank from my peers or teachers, but I never actually knew what she had suffered through. I found it astounding how the Franks, the Van Daans, and Mr. Dussel managed to live there for over two years. Living in fear and danger during World War II must've been difficult as well as risky. Anne's personality also surprised me. Even though they were trapped in the Annex, she found a way to make their lives lively and cheerful. On Hanukkah, Anne managed to make presents for everyone with the limited supplies she had. She never held a grudge against others because she knew that everyone needed to compromise and try to make life as easy as possible. After all her kindness, Anne and her family were still captured. This was an unfortunate ending, they were so close to escaping the camps. But even after being sent to the tortuous concentration camps, Anne continued to be a kind, considerate young girl. She cared for Margot lovingly until she died and she always thought of others.After being separated with her parents, she managed to live in her filthy living conditions until she unfortunately died. The one man who survived from the family was Mr. Otto Frank. It must've been horrifying to come out of the camps, scarred for life, knowing how life was in the camps. Plus all of his family had died of disease or starvation. I think Mr.Frank did a very generous deed making a foundation for Anne Frank. Her diary was a helpful source that helped us imagine a lifestyle during the Holocaust. I think this book has truly changed people's perspectives of the Holocaust, Anne Frank, and what people had to endure because of the Nazis.
January 13, 2013 03:25 PM

This story really affected me because it showed me that Anne (and maybe others) can still think that people are still good at heart, even after those people have treated them badly. Sometimes it can be hard to believe, but I think it's true for everyone, just not everyone shows it. I learned a lot about Anne's life and I hope others can understand her and her views. A way that I can relate to her is the fact that we have very similar personalities. Anne is always very energetic and she had troubles with her family and her peers. People wanted Anne to act one way when she wanted to act another way, and I can relate to her on that.
Alexa Jones
January 13, 2013 03:15 PM

Ever since I was eight years old, my grandmother has been trying to get me to read The Diary of Anne Frank. Up until recently, I had refused. I didn't want to read about what she went through, to read something that was real. I wanted fiction, fantasy, with heroines and villains and minions and magic. I wanted humor, not a depressing book about genocide. But when my English class started to read this book, I realized that it had all those things. Anne was a real life heroine, and Hitler was a real life villain, with the Nazis as his real life minions. And the reality of the book made me love it that much more.
I think that Anne and I would’ve been very good friends, if she were alive today. We share a lot of the same views (we both believe everyone is good at heart, etc), and we both love to write. I think Anne would make interesting company, and I would love to know her views on today’s society.
Overall, I think I’ve learned a lot from Anne, and I think her story should be shared again and again for generations to come.

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