Online Exhibitions
What's Your Experience of the Diary of Anne Frank

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Anabelle D
December 20, 2010 06:24 PM

I really liked this website. It gave me a lot more information about Anne. I liked the narration and all the pictures and video clips. Anne Frank was very brave and a good writer. It is sad that she, her mother and sister didn't survive and be reunited with her father.
Addie C.
December 20, 2010 05:10 PM

I've never actually read Anne's diary, but my class is reading the play together. Anne's story is touching and makes me appreciate the life I have. Never again will I take my life for granted. Anne is inspiring, and I hope everyone hears her story. One thing I found very amazing was "Give!". This essay was way beyond her years, and the ideas in it were inspiring. She tells how we shouldn't treat the poor any different than the rich, and that a little kindness goes a long way. I will use what she said always, and try to be kind to everyone. I don't think any kid could imagine living cooped up in a building for two years, and I have no idea how Anne stayed so positive. Anne's story almost doesn't seem real, but it did happen, and that's not something we should forget. Thank you for creating this website, because it let me look even deeper into Anne's thoughts, and showed what a strong and wise girl she was.
Monique k.
December 20, 2010 04:55 PM

The story affected me because they were in hiding for a long time, and they went through the tough times possible. They did not have that much food to eat. The whole family had to be very quite because they did not want the Germans to hear them. If I was Anne I could not keep quiet, but then I would have to if I did not want to get caught by the Germans.
December 20, 2010 04:18 PM

Anne Frank is very inspiring.I don't think I'd ever be able to go into hiding like that for years! Leaving all my friends and everything I've ever known behind to live in some attic where I've never been before. Then, plus the danger of being caught and at any time.And the rats in Peter's room! Eek!
Reese LeSage
December 20, 2010 02:45 PM

Anne Frank told people how bad the Holocaust was and how it was for when she was hiding. I don't think i could handle hiding for that long. Finally i think it was smart for Anne Frank t write in her diary because it really puts you in her shoes in what she was going through.
bryan kiley
December 20, 2010 02:41 PM

She was an amazing role model for all kids in the entire world.Now that she has passed she will never ever be forgotten.
Jane H
December 19, 2010 11:02 PM

I thought this website gave me a better look at how Anne lived. I could relate to her because she was very happy and lively, like me. I thought that it was very cool when you could listen to some of her diary entries, because it made it seem like Anne was actually reading to you. Also, i really liked all of the photos and video clips. It gave me a clearer picture of how she and her family lived.
Colleen Voner
December 19, 2010 10:18 PM

This website was really helpful to me. I really like the read aloud format. It helped me understand Anne more. I read the play of Anne Frank & I didn't what I got out of this website. I didn't get that raw untouched emotion that Anne brought through her diary. Good Job with the website & keep it up.
December 19, 2010 09:37 PM

Reading the play in school and learning more from this website made me realize how lucky I am to be able to do the things I do, let alone go outside. To wear the things I want, and look the way I want to look! Even to just do my homework, in my home, on my bed. I never realized it could all be gone one day. Thanks Anne, I wish I could have met you.
December 19, 2010 09:30 PM

I found that learning about Anne was very moving and it really changed the way that I saw things. I learned alot of valuable lessons becuase of her, like always be kind and respectful, along with alot of other things. I think I could relate to Anne's personality because she genuinly wanted to keep everybody happy and make sure the mood was happy. I read the play with my class and I'm reading the full book now.

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