Holocaust Encyclopedia (WLC)

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February 21, 2009 05:19 AM

Concerning the Holocaust, let me say to all the survivors of the Nazi death camps, that you are truly a gift from God, and Gods children all. It concerns me, no makes me mad as hell, to hear other human beings disregard and say that the Holocaust never happened! That to me is the most ridiculous, assinine, and uneducated statement I've heard in my life. People who disregard the truth for their own personel agenda are not only condemned to try and repeat it, but also condemned to a eternity of Hell. Let them try and tell their God that they were ignorant of the truth. We must never, ever let this happen again to anything or anyone that breathes the air of this planet!
February 21, 2009 05:17 AM

my class really liked this website and we like to go on it again. We hope another program same as this comes.
alicia ogle
February 18, 2009 03:16 PM

this has been a really good source for me to get information for my report!!
this a big grade for me so thanks for having this source for me to ues! :)
Scott Detlefsen
February 17, 2009 03:20 PM

The victims and their surviving families
are the true heroes.
I cannot believe someone could do this to
another human being.
I hope to visit the museum someday. I hope
to learn more about this terrible event.
They say it never happened. But, the proof
is in front of us.
Blessing to all of the victims and their
February 17, 2009 12:21 PM

This is a good website i learned so much and i got to do my history report off of this website so "THANK YOU!"
Stefan Blatt
February 15, 2009 03:48 PM

Ich bin ein deutscher in den Niederlanden und schreibe hier deutsch. Ich war auch in Polen in Tichi am arbeiten ich muss sagen ich wusste nicht wie nahe ich an diesem Ort war. Einer von meinen arbeitkollegen [ein Russe] sagte mir das da etwas ist.Ich schäme mich sehr darum, weil ich ein deutscher bin und nicht sagen kann ich habe nichts damit zu tun. Ich bin es nicht gewesen das stimmt und millionen andere waren es auch nicht ..doch es waren unsere Väter (Mörder)
Jeder deutsche auch die danach geborenen haben damit zu tun, allein schon weil sie als deutsche geboren sind.
Ich denke, ich wurde nicht zufällig von meinem niederländischen Chef in diese Gegend geschickt (um in Polen zu helfen). Ich hatte nur zwei Wochen in Polen zwei Sonntage frei und die beiden Tage habe ich genuzt um AUSCHWITZ "1" und "2" zubesuchen um alles zu sehen was meine Vorfahren gemacht haben...was ich sah hatt mich im tiefsten Maße getroffen die armen Menschen und sie waren doch so schöne Menschen, die haben sie abgeschlachtet und abgemartert und tracktiert und als Versuchskaninchen für IG-Farben nu ja "BAYER" missbraucht und fanden das auch noch gut.
Alles menschliche spricht gegen so etwas, niemand würde soetwas tun und doch alle würden es tun... warum?! weil ich massen von begeisterten Menschen gesehen habe denen zugerufen wurde
"die Juden waren es" und alle schrieen jaaaa
February 15, 2009 04:18 AM

I was reading a book about a girl named rifka and she was jewish and she wrote in a book called a Pushkin and after everything she wrote she said SHALOM. what does that mean? My mother said it meant God Bless in Yiddish or another language. Well what ever good it means, SHALOM friends I respect you.
February 15, 2009 04:12 AM

Oh my goodness, i found out what the holocaust was in 5th grade and ever since thats the only thing i read about ecspecially Anne Frank. in the other hand i know this is wrong but on some websites they say that ALL non-christians went to the " Devil's Inferno".
I think it's interesting to read about he holocaust becuase there is some things you can't be but you want to be, For example, I'm hispanic and i love Anne frannk and stuff some much tha I wish I was Jewish. I love people who have such a hrrific life of past and can tell the world about for them to know what type of things you went through.I respect that.
February 13, 2009 12:30 PM

I really liked the website. I have been learning about the holocaust for years but this website put everything I learned into perspective.
February 13, 2009 10:10 AM

im doing a research paper on the holocaust in school. i like learning about the past. but, its HORRIBLE what they did to people who werent in the same race as them.the jews were forced to live in cellars for their hidding.i dont see what made them even wanna do anything to people who werent the same race as them.i've learned alot about this stuff, btu i wish i didnt learn half the stuff i did bc its horific.i'm very happy that i didnt live in that time, bc i would HATE it! im very happy to know about the past, but egh, its horrible how mean they were.but, i've heard that the same things happening in Africa right now?! uhg, i wish i could just help everyone relize that theirs gunna be people out their that "arent to your standards", but your gunna have to let it fly by and get over your self. :)

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