Online Exhibitions
What's Your Experience of the Diary of Anne Frank

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December 19, 2010 09:01 PM

The story made me think of the simple things we take for granted. I learned to value the simple things in life because they may mot be there the next day. I can relate to her because I am the around the same age as her and I think I am like her in many ways.
Clayton D
December 19, 2010 08:17 PM

I really like this website. I think it holds very important information that people should know about. My English class recently read the play on Anne's life. Before I read it, I knew nothing about the Holocaust or Anne Frank. I really liked the story and I'm glad my class read it. I believe everyone shall know about the very interesting life of Anne Frank. She is an amazing persom and is very strong hearted and brave.
Geri B.
December 19, 2010 06:54 PM

Anne Frank's essay "Give" is extremely advanced for her age and I find it remarkable that she wrote it and thought of those types of things. I mean, thinking about beggars and equality is really mature for a teenager. It is a rare occasion for someone that young to think about that. I find that is something that is definitely admirable. I really like her quote "People who give will never be poor", because it is true. The more you give, you will receive more than you will ever respect. That message is really moving and makes you think, Anne Frank is really wise beyond her years. Anne Frank is definitely someone I can relate to, she is considered very mature for her age and some people think that of me. Also Anne tries to make the best of things during difficult times and I try to keep people upbeat when they are sad. Anne also seems like someone who is very happy and there will never be a dull moment with her. Anne Frank is one truly special person that everyone can admire.
Jocie Orangio
December 19, 2010 06:03 PM

This story made me realize how bad things were for the Jewish people back then. It also made me realize how brave and strong a lot of the Jewish children were having to deal with such persecution. I admire Anne because in her terrible situation she remained so positive and optimistic. I could never imagine myself in that situation and how I would react.
Alison L.
December 19, 2010 05:16 PM

It's a shame Anne Frank had to die so young, she could have made a huge impact in the world. She had so many good ideas and views. I personally believe she could have been an amazing writer. She was so strong to be able to be in hiding for so long, with little food and people that could barely stand each other at some points, and they were all trapped in a teeny little annex together. Even though she did die, her ideas and experiences are still shared throughout the entire world, and she is still making an impact fifty-six years later.
December 19, 2010 03:58 PM

I First read The Diary Of Anne Frank in 8th grade.This story showed that some people even in the worst conditions can make the best of any situation like Anne at Hanukkah.I learned that I should be the best I can be.She had annoying siblings as well and she wanted to be different just like I do!The diary O f Anne Frank is a very emotional and funny story that I enjoyed very much.
Maura C.
December 19, 2010 02:20 PM

Anne Frank is someone I can relate to because I think that if I went through the same thing I would have similar wishes. She constantly yearns for the chance to get out of the annex and go outdoors. She hates being cooped up inside but she tries to stay cheeeful which is what I admire most.
Rachel Hahn
December 19, 2010 11:08 AM

In school I read a play that was made about Anne Franks life. At first i didnt think it was going to be all that, but when i started to get into it, i really liked it. When my teacher gave everyone a homework assignment to go onto this website, i read and i listened and i watched every part there could possibly be to read/listen/watch. i found it very interesting how a girl my age could cope with living in such a small space for so long. I know i could never do that. I now look up to Anne Frank. The end of her diary/life really hit me. It is very cruel that she had to die at such a young age. Its even sadder that she died a few weeks before the war ended. The fact that she went through all this and was still happy, was amazing. One diary entry i really gave a lot of thought to was the "Giver". It really had me open my eyes and see what is really infront of me. Life isnt all that great to poor people. After read the "Giver", i know i will never look down on poor people, because they are people too, that took a wrong turn in life by mistake.
December 18, 2010 11:36 AM

I was really impressed by Anne's essay "Give". It amazed me that a normal teenage girl could write a composition like that.
carl ferro
December 18, 2010 11:09 AM

After coming to this website I feel like I understand Anne Frank better. In my school we read the Anne Frank play, and I learned a lot from it, but I learned more from this website than I did from the play. Anne Frank's story is probably one of the saddest I have ever heard about, but how she stayed so positive through it all amazes me. I learned a lot from this website like how Anne used to write fairy tales, and kept a notebook where she wrote all her favorite quotations from books she read while she was in the Secret Annex. Anne's essay "Give" made me think about the way we still treat the less fortunate. Even though Anne lived in a time much different from our own I feel like I can relate to her on some levels. Anne was a teenage girl so that part is easy to relate to because teenage girls will always have the same type of problems, for example her feelings about Peter and her mother always telling her what to do, girl today still get mad when their parents tell them what to do. But then Anne was different from a normal teenage girl. Anne had to live in an attic to hide from the Nazis, she was brave the whole time she hid in the attic. I don't think I could ever be as brave as Anne. This website has really added to my knowledge of Anne Frank, and I know plan on reading her diary.

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