Holocaust Encyclopedia (WLC)

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jasmine nickens
February 13, 2009 08:24 AM

reading this just got me thinkin how it was back then i am so thankful that i didnt go through the things they went through but i do fell sorry for these people
February 12, 2009 10:03 AM

im an eight grade student, and im studing the holocaust. i dont like looking at all of these pictures, and its crazy how someone would really do that to people who didnt "look" like them, or talk like them and were a diffrent race. i know i cant change it, but its horrible. I'm also glad that im learning about this stuff so it wont happen later on, and we'll know what to be aware of what happens. :) well, im glad that your showing us all of this,and letting us knowwwwww.
February 11, 2009 06:31 PM

My reading class has also been reading Daniel's Story.
We had to each rewrite a biography that was assigned to us by the teacher.
I happened to get Bertha Adler.

It's sad that all of this, all of the Holocaust happened because of Adolf Hitler.
It's very sad.
February 10, 2009 08:08 PM

im doing a projest on the holocaust, and just hearing what happend is really said. i just cant belive people were actually treated like that.
February 10, 2009 10:59 AM

Who is the author im doing a work cited page for my project and it doesnt give the author, i dont want to take credit for his or her work.

thanks :)
February 10, 2009 07:20 AM

I don't think they should of done that to jewish people i don't it is very nice. It was very sad to hear about it thats all for now.
shapaula banks
February 09, 2009 04:08 PM

I'm a 10th grader from Coahoma County High School.they treated the jews very bad during the holocaust.I think the Concentraction camp was a unnecessary thing
February 08, 2009 08:50 PM

I'm doing a research paper on the Holocaust for school and I think that its sad someone would do that to people because of their race. Most of the issues in the world are because of race and people need to forget aabout the colors of our skin and just get along..this race thing goes way back to 1933 when the Holocaust happened and people are atill making it an issue. Who knows if race stays an issue something like the Holocaust could happen again.
February 06, 2009 08:39 PM

My class has been reading the book "Daniel's Story" and some of the imformation in the book is true and we also whached "The Devils Arithmatic" and that was a god movie and since we've been learning alot about the holocast were suppose to be have a jew survier Eva Olsen come in to our class and share her terrible memmories form then.
Joseph Biden
February 05, 2009 02:19 PM

I think the Holocoast was a very bad thing that happened in history, and since so many people suffered from it and the nazis, i think information and stories should be spread throught out the world so people really understand about what truely happened.
i think history repeats itself, and if we cant learn about it now, then another one wil happen and i am sure the world is not prepared for it like it wasnt back then. i feel so terrible for all those people who had to suffer that and i think the pressure is still on ethnic groups and such. i really hope people understand everything about the holeocaust, everything is important.

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