Holocaust Encyclopedia (WLC)

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February 03, 2009 02:49 PM

wow, this is sooo sad...to see this pix and think that they were tourchered and had to go through a great deal of pain.
February 03, 2009 02:32 PM

The holocaust is what i believe to be one of the more powerful things in history.
February 02, 2009 08:15 PM

i got what I wanted on this website it was really useful.
Jonathan C. Marchant
February 02, 2009 06:30 AM

Suggest that anyone seeking the "why" of the Holocaust will find no acceptable answer. This should not dissuade them from continually seeking the "what" and "when" and "how". Please remember that there was little that was unintentional about the industrializing of the murder of millions: From the use of bone meal as fertilizer to the process of human hair into felt was not accidental. A plan had been devised and put into work involving a cultural acceptance and justification of acts committed. I have yet to have found a redeeming quality - it is a historical cut of meat that was diseased at its conception without prospect of serving any purpose. The "why" is unsupportable. All that is left is what happened, the study of which sometimes needs to be taken in small doses.
February 01, 2009 07:21 PM

i believe that this event is a vast and very cruel attenpt of genocide and has brought unwanted emotions that many Americans have in the present. i am a black African American that is thirteen years old, who was born in Germany, and if I was alive during thath time period I would have been killed. the diary odf Ann Frank is a reality and not just a book written by a child,also the book night written by Elie Wiesel is a prime example of how life was back then. he explans how the foreign Jews were moved out of their homes, and moved into these dumps that were refered to as ghettos. i am apauled that we as Americans let this happen in the world, we are the one`s who didn`t let the escaping jews come to our landd, but i still see a genoside that still occurs today.
Emil Petardi
January 31, 2009 08:47 PM

There is an enormous amount of documentation providing mankind with the depth and magnitude
of Hitler's crimes against humanity. Has there ever been a serious study done to expose the people who financed and promoted Hitler?
January 30, 2009 11:17 AM

well i am an 8grade student at mortan ranch and were doing a project on the holocaust!!i am so suprised on how the whole thing came to be and how it happened!i am doin my project on one camp and one ghetto;;and like so far its realy sad and its like wowzerz!!ive never seen such sad people befor and well i am very thankful for the life i have now!!well i gtg bye bye=]]
Peter Cronin-Hill
January 29, 2009 04:27 PM

Firstly I appologise if the is the wrong page to add this little tale, perhaps you can direct it to the correct area...
My friend who this is about, was in his early 20's in the 1930's.
After his arrested for being gay, he was imprisoned for some time until taken to a factory that produced cars.
He was stipped bare, shaved all over (to avoid contaminating the process he was to partake in), and put to work carrying the body panels of the cars by walking naked through the chemical spays involved in the galvanising procces.
Right up to the end of his life, his body was was covered in ulcers and sores. Non of his hair except a few wisps on his head grew back, and he lived with constant pain.
I believe over 6,000 died in the car plant through being forced to work in protecting the bodywork of cars, yet it is sad that this aspect of the nazi's seems to have been forgotten.
My friend was a loving man; remember him please.
Mikayla B.
January 28, 2009 09:16 AM

In school we just got done reading the diary of Anne Frank and even watched the movie. It was so very sad that I hope that people will be inspired by her sad but true life story and that people will changed their opinion
Robert Korb
January 28, 2009 08:27 AM

The undercurrent of antisemitism in the west is certainly less now than in the past, but not so in the Middle East. Because of this I am finding it more difficult to impress upon my son the gravity and potential for humanity to descend to such horrendous extremes. The difficulty of teaching real lessons from the past make it so important to have an institution such as this that can help current and future generations understand and feel the reality of what happened - not just to gape in astonishment, but to learn how to respond now. I believe teaching tolerance is one of our most important lessons, but one simple comment a friend from my past once said to me applies - He said "Your rights end where you fist hits my face"... In the crudity of the comment there also wisdom. We need to tolerate each other to live in our increasingly global community but that does not mean we always must "love thy neighbor". It is unrealistic to think that can always be the case. But applying the lesson about the "fist to the face" means to me, that tolerance ends when peaceful people are responded to with violence. Ignoring lies, deceit, intolerance, or discrimination gives permission for its continuance. However violence so clearly begets violence. The preferable answer is almost always to somehow get your opponents to empathize with you which also means some level of empathy with them. not easy! That being said the Jewish people must never again allow themselves to become victims. and this lesson must also be applied to other ethnicity's and people of the world facing violence as a result of discrimination. It is for this reason that I feel so grateful to have this excellent resource to help to teach both the lessons and horrors of this history.

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