Holocaust Encyclopedia (WLC)

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Erin Shaughnessy
January 26, 2009 10:33 AM

The HOLOCAUST was devestating to not only to Germany but to the whole world. It is horrifying that a mass of people can stand to torture and kill another mass of innocent people. I give my full respect to those who were murdered or had to witness these awful events. My prayers go out to those who lost friends and family in this horrible trial of events. With all my heart,
Erin Laura Shaughnessy
January 26, 2009 10:16 AM

Im so sad reading and learning about the HOLOCAUST. It is so unbeliveably horrible that this happened. My heart and prayers go out to all who died and their families.
Quinton Jackson
January 26, 2009 10:07 AM

We are learning about this in school it is so sad.....
Joseph Salomon,
January 21, 2009 04:42 PM


Brother in Law, "John Sweeney", He served
with the tenth armord division and was
decorated with two BRONZ STARS one SILVER
STAR Two purple hearts; He died on Dec 25
2006, And was buried @ Arlington Cemitery
Washington D.C, Were can I find the history
how he won his Medels? Is there any place
that would have that infomation?

Your help will be gratly appreiated,
Respectfully Yours;
Joseph Salomon, Ph, 1-561-839-7620
christine stone
January 19, 2009 05:43 PM

Anne Frank was and is an inspiration to all and her story has kept the world knowing about the holocast. Her story of her ending is so so sad as with all the others that died in what i cannot not think of a word to describe. People are people no matter what race or religion. There are enough natural disasters that happen that kill people, why on earth do people have to set out and be so cruel to each other makes no sense. I hope the camps will remain a reminder for future generations to learn about.
Joyce Thierry Llewellyn
January 14, 2009 04:35 AM

I am a Canadian graduate student researching and writing her Simon Fraser University (Vancouver, BC) Master's thesis while living in France for a year. One of my research sites in Drancy Transit Camp. I am interested in talking (via email initially) with either Drancy survivors or family members who have Drancy Transit Camp connections. I have been to the Memorial site and I can't imagine a more out-of-the-way, forgotten, and unknown place. When I asked at the Mayor's office, even his front desk staff didn't seem to know (?) where it was. I will be meeting with one woman who was nine years old when she was in Drancy with her mother and I am specifically interested in talking to people who have been back to Drancy at some point. With respect, Joyce Thierry Llewellyn
January 12, 2009 08:47 AM

I am writing this because I'm a lost soul. I am not Jewish, mentally ill, a gypsy or disabled, but I believe that my life would have been terminated by the Nazis because I have not got the desired skin colour, eye, hair colour and I am of mixed race, if I had lived in Nazi Germany during the out break of war.
I am deeply hurt and angered by what the German's did to everyone, especially the Germans who turned away and did nothing. I have not lost a member of my family to the Holocaust, but feel like I have lost everyone. Part of me want to hate the German people for what they all did to humanity, even though an ancestor of mine was a pure German woman that I am ashamed of, because she is a German. I am not a hateful person, and therefore will not lower myself as they did, to hate a race. I have lost all hope in mankind and I am ashamed to be a human being because of what man is responsible for in the world and what man has done to each other.
I have looked at Ann Frank as a tiny baby cradled in her mothers arms, and I have wondered how anyone could hate her, as with all the people in these concentration camps, it makes me want to break down and cry. I can not understand this. Is there anyone out there who can get in contact with me? Is there anyone who have survived these camps who can help me heal or understand how one man can look upon another human being, with such contempt? if there is anyone out there who can answer my questions, please get in touch.
Thank you.
January 12, 2009 08:12 AM

I'm doing a school National History Day project on Judge Aaron Cohn, a local judge who helped to liberate the camp, Ebensee, and is miraculously still alive.
Annae McClear
January 11, 2009 06:33 PM

The Holocaust was horrid. I see death so much in movies, I think it is like it doesn't matter. It does. People died, think about that for a second. The Holocaust was not a movie. It was real. REAL. I find that hard to beilive...
Johne` Johnson
January 11, 2009 06:30 PM

I have been learing about the Holocaust. I beilive that we (along with the Germans) were sick to watch as people got sufficated by gas and injected with lethal poisons. A very sad documentary that I sugeest to everyone is "Life is Beautiful." It is in Itallian. I cried when we watched it in class. Anyone can choose to not beilive and even oppose, but it takes a lot of nerve to say it happens. Here in the USA, we will not be killed for being Jewish, but Genocide still goes on many places. If America did anything right it was to liberate the camp, but if we had done it a couple years earlier we could have saved so many lives. People in Germany and Poland claim they had 'no idea' what was going on behind the electric fences, but my grandpa liberated one of the camps, he said, "You could smell burning flesh and hair. You could smell death from miles away." They knew perfectly well what was going on. I cannot see how insensitive we can and have been. So many innocent people were slaughtered, for what? Religion. Was it worth it? Neo-nazi's still exist. I am only 13 and i have so much hate biult up in my heart for these people. Why? Why do you hate? Is it beacause you beilive that your life will be better beacause you make some elses worse? Ask yourslef; 'Why am I doing this?' Why?

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