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What's Your Experience of the Diary of Anne Frank

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D. Kim
December 16, 2010 11:51 PM

I read the play version of Anne Frank's diary. Her writing skill is incredible for a young girl. It must have taken extraordinary courage to stay in the annex, not knowing if the Nazis would suddenly come for them. She inspired me with her optimism when she said that she thought that people really were good at heart in spite of her tremendously difficult situation.
December 16, 2010 11:20 PM

I read the Diary of Anne Frank and I found her life story amazing, of how many things happened throughout her whole lifetime. I thought, because she had so many horrible things happen to her, she would commit suicide, but she didn't. If she hadn't kept a dairy, no one would have known who she was, so lots of people are proud of her because she kept one. Anne Frank inspires me a lot, because even through her horrible life, she never thought of suicide, she always thought happy thoughts.
December 16, 2010 11:04 PM

I thought that Anne's story was heart-wrenching and tearful but it also gave me hope. I always thought that my life was bad but after reading Anne’s story I thought so no more.
December 16, 2010 10:47 PM

I was so moved by Anne Frank's story. I don't know if I would have to courage and strength to pull through the horrific times as she did. First reading her diary and feeling how she was just a normal teenage girl...wanting to lead a normal life, and how society was back then, took that from her. The simple things all ordinary people should be able to enjoy was taken away from so many, and for what?- because they were jewish? Such a waste of a life, of many lives.
Then i saw two of the movies and that was a very intense thing to see and watch, I can't remember how many times I cringed in my chair...what happened was horrible and i don't know if the world can ever even begin to be forgiven of what we put ourselves and others through.
Gordon Freechman
December 16, 2010 10:33 PM

While we did not read the actual diary of Anne Frank, but rather the play, I still thought that the story of Anne Frank's life and death was terribly saddening, and showed the horrors of life under the Nazi party for the Jewish people. I, myself, and not much of a religious person, but I still respect her for her strength through the years of confinement.

She was also a fairly adept writer, if one takes a browse through her diary. I feel sorry for all the lives that were lost during the Holocaust, including hers, but she was a brave girl and she and the Franks, the van Pels, Pfeffer, as well as Miep and Mr. Kugler, deserve the respect they have.
December 16, 2010 10:32 PM

The story of Anne Frank is very moving, giving great insight into the lives of Jews living during the Holocaust. She was such a positive ball of hope and energy during such dark times; I was very inspired by her attitude towards things. I was greatly moved when she spoke about her dreams of the future as well as when she mentioned her belief that there is good in all people. I'm sure she would have became a fabulous journalist. I wish she could have seen how much the world has changed today, the freedom, the equality.
December 16, 2010 10:27 PM

Reading Anne Frank was very moving and inspirational for me. It taught me a very important lesson: The human spirit can push through the hardest of times. Anne had to live in a confined space with little to eat and no luxuries for approximately two entire years. Amazingly, she was still able to stay optimistic and try to lift the spirits of the people around her. From now on, whenever I feel like I am suffering, I remember how much Anne had to suffer and I count myself lucky. It basically taught me to not take anything for granted again. All in all Anne's spirit and will are amazing and she will always be remembered.
December 16, 2010 10:22 PM

The first time I read The Diary of Anne Frank, I was terrified about how many people in the holocaust had to go through this. Anne's story is just one of the Jew's that had to go through the pain of the holocaust. Imagine millions of Jew's in the holocaust, all starving to death, afraid to move an inch because someone might hear them... I'm really confused as to why Hitler was so desperate to do this to the Jews. It's a miracle Anne's diary survived, so we would be able to learn from her experiences, so this tragedy will never happen again.
Ch Ad
December 16, 2010 10:04 PM

After I read "The Diary of Anne Frank" it made me sad to know that people would do things to innocent people, like Anne Frank. I wouldn't have survived the life Anne and her friends and family went through because it was so dangerous, and to know that Anne, Peter, and Margot almost made it out of the death camps, it shows to people that any person can be a hero, to help others. I am glad we don't need to relive a time period like that, but I am happy we had people like the Franks to help out others in the times of need.
December 16, 2010 09:56 PM

I think Anne Frank is a very sweet girl, who didn't deserve the end she got. I'm glad that her writing will be remembered, as she wished it to be. She is an inspiration to us all. If she could only see the world today then she would be very happy about how people are remembering her and others suffering. Also she would be glad that word travels faster now, and things have been done about the unfairness and those who tortured her are punished.

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