Holocaust Encyclopedia (WLC)

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irene krawczyk
January 08, 2009 10:40 AM

My dad was a non jewish pole who was taken into forced labour in 1941 by the Nazis He came from the village of Zaborow near Brzeziny. His name was Edward Krawczyk his father was called Jozef his mother was Maria. He was born on the 5.8.1923. He had both brothers and sisters. He managed to escape with his brother who was killed. He never went home. He joined the Polish army in Paris in may 1945. He served 2yrs in Italy. He then came to the U.k. where he married had a family . He never spoke of his time in the war or his family. Iam now trying to trace any member of my dads lost family. I would love to tell them about one of thier own who never came home.If anyone remembers him or knows of the area he as born please contact me.God bless all who saerch andthose not yet found.irene.mcgee@btinternet.com
January 07, 2009 05:12 PM

I have just finished reading Anne's Diary for the second or third time. Inspired is about the only word I can use to describe how I feel. I discuss this with my Husband And the one thing that I cannot get over is that this young girl of age 13 and 14 was so bright, she knew just who she was. With her help, the teens of today and the future will continue to learn about the Holocaust.
arlene william
December 27, 2008 02:17 PM

My mother was in one of the groups mentioned in the articles. She was from Pultusk, Poland and when the German's invaded Poland in Sept. 1939 she and her sister left with what they could carry. She spent some time in Vilna with the partisans then in Moscow and Vladivostak and then in Japan - on a Japanese ship to Hawaii and on to San Frncisco and across the US to New York arriving in April '41. I have her passports and papers and also some photos taken during her journey. Anyone interested can e-mail me. The information I read here just reinforced some of the things I was told over the years, and how my mother looked back at the trip as sort of like a fairy-tale. Her parents and some family were already here(NY) and wired money to support her and her sister during the journey. Thank you Holocaust Museum - and I already support you as much as I can.
Agin, thank you.
December 25, 2008 09:50 PM

anne frank has personaly
inspired me...everything
that happened was unfair indeed.
i think we should all learn from
this terrible experience and remember
anne and her family in our hearts.
samantha o
December 17, 2008 09:22 AM

I agree with everyone this is something that we shouldn't and will never forget. I personaly want to learn as much about it as i can.
December 15, 2008 11:20 PM

I have seen the memorial of the incident a kilometer or so outside Kuziai. My relatives live in Kuziai now. It is very well kept and what can I say-undescribeable that something like this happened. I am glad I saw it-never having known what had occurred there before I saw it_ but wish it never had to be erected in the first place.
December 11, 2008 04:46 PM

I am nat.
I am sad to here about this horrible disaster. I have been reading the Diary Of Anne Frank And I now know a lot more about it. We will never forget all of those who died or were tortured to death also...Rest In Peace.
December 09, 2008 12:40 PM

I read the Diary of Anne Frank in Language Arts. I also watched some footage of some German concentration camps, and that was really disturbing. I really hope that a Holocuast will never happen again.
December 07, 2008 11:37 PM

Looking for Family. My Mother lived near Grodziski,Poland during WWll.Her name was Inge Menz,born July 1926. She has been living in the US since 1953. She has never heard from her family since the War. How do we find her family.Thank you, Edward Campbell
December 03, 2008 10:05 AM

I Am learning about this in school and i think that it was wrong that we didn't help the jews, i mean it would have had been pretty obvious that we would have won the war if they decide to attack us, we could have at least bombed out the railroads and gas chambers instead of sitting around watching. I think that was very sick.

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