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What's Your Experience of the Diary of Anne Frank

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December 16, 2010 09:48 PM

I read the book Anne Frank as a school assignment. I found the book interesting because though it was a real life story it had a really good balance of love, drama, and humor. I also found the book really motivating because it was amazing how Anne still kept her hopes up through so many hardships. The book also portrayed how hard it was to keep in hiding and not let anyone find out .
Chef Chef
December 16, 2010 09:36 PM

I would like to tell Anne Frank, if I had the chance to meet her, that she had a wonderful attitude toward life, and her bubbly personality was very pleasant and heart-warming to read about. I could not possibly put into words how thankful I am that Anne kept a diary. Without this direct record that she provided, much less would be known about the horrid time of the Holocaust and about how Jews were forced to live in fear in order to hide from Hitler’s sinful crimes. I learned important lessons from Anne Frank’s diary. I learned that having a positive attitude towards life is very important, even during the worst times. You should be confident about yourself and not let other people’s negativity bring you down or come in your way. She did an amazing job coping up with the mountains and valleys her life presented to her at the time. Great job, Anne. You were phenomenal.
December 16, 2010 09:24 PM

Anne Frank's life has really inspired me. It is a real tragedy as well to see how a girl around my age has suffered during this time period. Her diary is full of funny, inspiring moments. This has been one of my favorite books.
Anne Frank is a really strong, brave, courageous girl. She stood up for everyone until the end. She had suffered so much in those concentration camps. If that were me, I wouldnt be able to survive a minute in that place. If Anne were alive today, I bet she would be thrilled to know that her diary is one of the best selling books in the world.
Saurabh Karmarkar
December 16, 2010 09:15 PM

From reading The Diary of Anne Frank, I learned how people have to be brave in life. If you want to achieve something you have to work extremely hard. Even though Anne was a girl, she showed that she had courage. Women/girls in those times were quite frightened about certain events. people can use this book as an example in their daily lives.
Skip Bop
December 16, 2010 09:14 PM

After reading the Diary of Anne Frank, I realized the suffering that Jews had to go through during World War II. I thought Anne was really brave by being optimistic about life even when all hope was lost. Being optimistic in the most dire of times required a lot of bravery. In addition, her optimism helped raise the spirits of the others. I think what she did was extremely courageous, even though she was still caught at the end. Her bravery inspires me and many others in the world today.
Nicole :D
December 16, 2010 09:05 PM

Anne Frank is an inspiring young lady who will live on in the hearts of millions of people world-wide. I cannot imagine the horrors all of the Jews went through just because of Hitler's wrath. It sickens and saddens me. Her tale of woe made me realize how fortunate I am to live in a time period where genocide and discrimination is illegal, and to be able to live in a country guaranteeing freedom of religion is truly a blessing. I agree with her statement that there is good in everyone. In my opinion, there is good in everyone, but you just have to dig down deep for some people. Finally, it taught me that it is important to keep a positive outlook on life, even through the direst circumstances. Anne's diary will continue to educate generations forever after about the horrors of the Holocaust. I thank you, Anne, for sharing your journal with us and reaffirming the fact that all humans are created equal and should not be discriminated against no matter what.
Katie C.
December 16, 2010 09:05 PM

When I heard that my class was going to be reading the Diary of Anne Frank (or at least the play version), I wanted to start right off and READ. But now, I realize that it's not just a regular story, it's a life. Anne's life, her desires, her everyday actions and antics, the big events, her last word... it is painful, just for me to read it. But I really admire her; her determination, her personality; she is a unique person that i would've loved to meet, only if she hadn't died, and in such a terrible way...
Somehow, I am thankful to her, as she taught me so many things about her life that could- no, scratch that, WILL affect my life in some way... especially where she says that she thinks people really are good at heart. For some reason that is hidden to me, I wanted to cry.
So I say thank you Anne, and I am sure, she WILL keep on living.
December 16, 2010 08:40 PM

Anne Frank is AMAZING. She was just a regular Jewish person, but because of her diary, she made a lot of people realize that Hitler was destroying everything. I love how she is so strong and positive all the time. Anne always looks forwanrd to what happens next instead of clinging onto the past. Her diary has made me realize that life is fragile. It also taught me that people should always appreciate life and what they have. I started to think, "What would I do if this happened to me or my family? How would I feel?" After reading this book, I wanted to live a better life for myself by looking forward to the future and helping others. Thank you so much Anne Frank. I have learned so much. Also, I am greatful that u have lived. :)
December 16, 2010 08:39 PM

When I read about what Anne Frank had gone through, I was very moved. She was the one of the most brave and determined girls in World War 2.It's amazing what she went through in the annex, along with her family and friends. She showed perseverance, and honestly believed that one day the war would end and she would escape. She also always kept her spirit up and also encouraged the others to sing or play with her, to make them happy. She loved to just make jokes and laugh. I don't think I could ever be as headstrong as Anne or even be fine with living in such a small space for over 2 years. Its really a shame that she couldn't have survived and live to tell her story today.
December 16, 2010 08:27 PM

I am 13 and the diary of Anne frank was really humbling and fantastic. Humbling because in this day in age we have everything, technology, advanced cars, more freedom. To see what Jewish people and Anna went through in the 1940's was very humbling, from the death march, low dosage of food, people dying everyday, and being held captive just because of you religion is just ridiculous. She is just an amazing writer and never leaves a thing out.I felt as if I was in that time period with her. Anne Frank you're a very brave person R.I.P.

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