Holocaust Encyclopedia (WLC)

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December 03, 2008 12:32 AM

I studied the holocaust briefly in my college days, studying racism, discrimination. What I am concluding is that crimes against humanity is still occuring as I write. I am a combat Veteran of the Vietnam War, and do very thing possible to help my fellow man, charitable work anything to help. What is alarming is the crimes against humanity was done to the mentally ill, and disabled, not just race. By educating our fellow man, woman, children, history won't repeat it self. In my opinion, I think, this should be a study in class, and required to prevent this from happening again.
Victoria Allen
November 30, 2008 04:35 PM

I've been taught this constantly for almost 2 years in my english class- and i always get more questions than the last time we had gone over this- but my number one question has never ever been answered.

How could someone find the emotions, the whole idea of committing such a thing? What had forced this whole plan to surface?
Theo E Diehl
November 26, 2008 05:17 PM

Thank you to the Holocaust Memorial Museum for delivering such important information to the world. Generations to come will need to see and remember the atrocities that were committed by the Nazis, and because of the USHMM, the memory of the millions perished and the stories of those that survived will be available for all to see.

Thank you again.
November 25, 2008 06:27 PM

im learning about this in school
and everytime we do research on the camps there is sadness and anger.Even kids our age know better than that.
November 22, 2008 09:48 AM

hello my name is gavin from chambersburg area school district.i just had a wonderful visit from Hilda Mantelmacher. She was fascinatig. i couldnt thinkk of any body who could survive that tragity. i personally would just give up.
November 21, 2008 02:47 PM

No matter how old I get, I will NEVER understand HOW this could have happened. To allow one little rodent like Hitler to have that much power over an entire country is mind blowing.

I am now 40 years old but vividly remember a movie we were mandated to see in history class back in 1985 as a 15 year old junior. NIGHT AND FOG. It was the first time I had ever seen anything on the concentration camps. Heard about them, yes, studied them, yes, a few pictures in history books, but this film...all these years later, never forgot it. That was the message my history teacher wanted...and she got it.

I pray those who died have found peace somehow and for those who survived that they have found a way to believe not all humans are idiots and morons....
November 18, 2008 08:14 PM

I am only 15 years old and I can't even think of what it would be like to face this evil that could have ever happen. I went to visit the museum in 8th grade for our washington field trip. I saw things I will always remeber. My wish is to go to some of the camps and sights of the holocaust or meet someone who had to face and go through the it. I am very sorry for all those who have lost family and other loved ones.
November 18, 2008 05:04 PM

It is so sad to hear of the horrific events that went on to all of these innocent people.They (the nazi)did not have a heart at all, to kill all of these people. The kids in my class don't understand just how awful the pain was.It is so heartbreaking!
November 13, 2008 09:30 PM

I'm curious to know if Freya is still alive and if so, has she heard of a Lilly Lang, also Lambsheim, but some years older than Freya herself.
My Mother (86), also from Lambsheim,speaks often of her friend Lilly who suddenly disappeared, never to be heard of again.
I too was born in Lambsheim in 1942 and have lived in Michigan since 1966.
gisela Cooper
November 13, 2008 08:14 PM

I am so glad I have found the Holocaust Museum and can read all about the happenings and the suffering of the Jewish people in Europe and Russia.
I myself had been taken in the last three months of the war to a Labour Camp in Wansleben near Halle. I have only read a while ago that it was a branch of Buchenwald.
I had been living in Leipzig and did not know much about the Concentration Camps. It is really true that we did not know about Death Camps. Being arrested and taken to the Labour Camp for Sabotage, gave me the first glimps what was happening. The cold blooded manner with which human beings have been treated, is still something I can't understand to this day.
The worst problem is that there are still groups who want to bring it back to live. Some of them have denied that those death camps exsisted at all. How glad am I to have found the Holocaust Museum on this side and it is now permanently in my Blog on my website.
I have written my autobiography. I had sent it to the Museum to give a comment from a none Jewish person.
My thoughts are always with the survivers and the people who did not survive the inhumanities.
Many good wishes to you all,
Gisela Cooper.

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