Holocaust Encyclopedia (WLC)

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Yoav Gazit
September 27, 2008 04:32 AM

is it possible to get in contact with Judith Kalman from Erdobenye?
Thank you, Yoav Gazit
Kirsten Herwig
September 26, 2008 11:24 AM

I think this is a strong site. I read the book and also ahve seen the movie. I think the photo's in here are really something. Thanks again.
Q. T. Isaac
September 17, 2008 09:05 PM

Iam using this website to gather information for school on the Holocaust. As an African American teenager, I can empathize with the inhuman treatment of the Jews.
September 12, 2008 10:55 AM

This was a very hard time for these people. From small children to grown adults, being killed daily. I would like everyone to know that my prayers are with you and all the families who were killed during the holocaust who never had a chance to speak what they feel. I was reading a book called The Hidden Girl and I was literally in tears. This has explained to me so much I never knew. This is a horrible time and a sad tome for many families. I feel it is my place to pray for these people.
April Moore
September 12, 2008 12:46 AM

Knowing the truth of what happened is the best defense against having it happen again.
Andrea Ceniceros
August 24, 2008 01:14 AM

It is hard to believe that this could have ever happened. Thank God for people like my father who fought in this awful war and helped bring to light this horrific act of a mad man. We as one human race must strive to never let this be forgotten and promise to fight to forever stop genocide around the world.
alma lopez
August 20, 2008 02:35 PM

i went to poland in 2006 and visited the concentration champs, as a catholic i ofered my prayer for no more ¡¡¡ hate¡¡¡
Good give us the life and only he can decid what to do.
excusme if my english is not perfect...
August 16, 2008 01:39 AM

Everyone should visit one of the old concentration camps.You may read a million books of survivor stories,but until you stand upon the ground where the human race plunged to new depths of evil, and absorb , even 60 years later, the aura of mass deaths,you will never fully feel the full horror. Be prepared to leave a different person.
August 14, 2008 05:17 AM

Im learning about what happened during this unforgetable time in history now at school.I go to an all girls school and everyone feels a great amount of sadness whenever we look at picture or research about the it and find out how many children have been killed.

Although we speak about this never happening again it already is in sudan and other african countries.We need to learn from what hapened during the holocost and all get involved with things that are happening around the world.
We need to educate people about diffrent cultures and what they contribute to the world.

I believe that those that dis like other nationalities are under educated.

We need to teach our children that everyone deserves respect no matter what they look like.

August 09, 2008 02:46 PM

The holocaust was a very sad time and i hope that it never happens ever again.

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