Holocaust Encyclopedia (WLC)

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June 13, 2008 10:49 AM

I have visited the museum in DC three times now and will go back evertime I am there. I find more and more everytime I go. The research room was of great help in finding a family member who was intered in one of the camps. I will never forget seeing his arm with the "tatoo". It makes it so real!! I am currently involved in a Cultural Foundations class at a University and have been able to share so much. We are doing a project on the Holocaust and Darfur. Awareness is such a key element to stop further problems. Thanks so much for opening my eyes.
June 12, 2008 02:14 PM

i really loved it so much i never thought the holocaust had so much history in the whole world. I loved the fact that in the remember the childern exibit it made it feel like we were passing through the whole thing. With the bars and the childern crying and laughing in the back ground.
My whole school was really amazed by the whole museum, and the room with the shoes really got all of us no joke.
I can't ask for anything else really i can't with my eyes getting really watery .
Everything i expected i saw in there and i really look forward to going again some day
June 04, 2008 03:34 PM

We need to teach our children the improtance of kindness regardless of his/her race or religon. I can not comprehend the inhumane acts of the Holocaust. I have always took a great interest in the Holocaust and its survivors. I recently visited the Holocaust Museum and I brought back one important question. WHY? help. our children and their children never forget. Viewing photos of children being taken from the arms of their mother keeps me up at night. God Bless all those who perished and all those who survived.
A Student
June 03, 2008 06:53 PM

I have learned about the holocaust at school. It was a shame to see all those people die and the kids were forsed to work. I also read the book Night by holocaust surviver Elie Weisel. He explained how his and his fathers exprience after his mother and sisters died from the gass chambers.
June 02, 2008 07:50 PM

Having toured this horrible camp twice, once in November 2006 and November 2007 I still can't grasp the horror that had happened. In its present state it is clean but I wondered as I stood on the tracks during my visits what the horror to have been there in the cold winters of Poland with barely no clothing to keep you warm or food to nourish you. Thank God I will not have the horrible opportunity of this as the millions of people did.
May 31, 2008 08:23 PM

I visited Auschtwitz concentration camp in poland last week. It was hard for me to go throught the fance and see the terrible, horrible and unbeliable inhuman life there. I have a relative that he suffered in a camp Argelers, south of france and his experience makes me decided to go to poland.
I got several books about the holocaust and i read about that.
May 26, 2008 11:34 AM

Do you have family from Grojec / Mogielnica?

I have been researching for five years, and have taken it apon myself as a labour of love for my missing family from this area,
and created a mailing and website devoted to finding those missing from this area.

If you have family from this area copy this link into your browser to join our growing research mailing list for these towns:

kind regards

RIchard Sherman
Susanne Hicks
May 25, 2008 10:30 PM

I read Annes diary as a 12 year old schoolgirl and it completely changed how I think about other people, no matter about race or culture or creed, I learned from Anne that people are the same all over the world, they have the same dreams and hopes and aspirations, the same failings and weaknesses to be sure, they hurt the same.
People have the same dignity and rights just because they are human. Thanks Anne.
Susanne Hicks
May 25, 2008 10:23 PM

The chestnut tree (tomorrow I will be free)
inspired by Annes diary entry of Feb.23.1944. by Susanne Hicks
This my chosen spot
I may lay me down
gaze can only upward be
filled anew with hope
which grew upon my chestnut tree
tomorrow I will be free
No clouds fill my sky
nor leaves can I see
gracefully glides the seagulls
silvering droplets
that sparkle on my chestnut tree
tomorrow I will be free
As long as this is so
and if my eye can see
my heart cannot then be sad
for me the sun shines
through my glist'ning chestnut tree
tomorrow I will be free.
Luis Martinez
May 22, 2008 12:28 PM

I just started learning about the Holocaust and its a terrible tragedy. There is still racism and crimes that are being done today. What happened during the Holocaust will never be forgotten.The stories are amazing.

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