Holocaust Encyclopedia (WLC)

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May 20, 2008 09:28 PM

This site has been such a help to me! I'm doing a school project about WW2 and I have decided to be a Jew during that period of time. This site has givin me everything i need to help me thew this project. Thank you so much
Leila Ballard
May 19, 2008 05:33 PM

I had went to the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum with my class in Washington D.C. and it was horrible to think about what people thoughtlessly did to the Jewish people just because of what they were. It has been hard for me to forget about the girl I learned about. Eva was one of the lucky girls that lived the Holocaust. I am glad I got her Forget Me Not Card. :]
May 19, 2008 03:51 PM

This is a terrible thing to happen to the jews that lived at that time.Now some people are glad they werent alive during the holocaust.
May 18, 2008 07:05 PM

My husband was in the Army platoon that liberated Buchenwald in 1945. He didn't talk a great deal about what he saw and did because he felt it was his job and duty, so when he passed away last year, he took those horrible memories, sights and smells with him. My children & I will be traveling to Germany this fall, we felt it only fitting to visit Buchenwald. He took several pictures of the camp and ovens, I will be taking copies and leaving them there for future visitors to see. For those that say the holocaust did not happen only need to talk to the soldiers that were there.
I honor you that survived the atrocities and the American soldiers that liberated you. God Bless all of you!
May 17, 2008 07:31 AM

there was one of these particular stories that i think will be with me through out my whole life and i'm only 12!!!!!!! i was seriously crying as i was reading it!!!!!
May 16, 2008 02:29 PM

WE have been studying the holocaust in school and it is very disturbing. What kind of person would do that to millions of people. It is very sad to hear that people would actually help Adolf Hitler.
May 15, 2008 12:47 PM

the holocaust is so horrible. I can't beleive the kids who know nothing about this. I have studied this for around 3 years and it makes me sick.
Shelby Fairchild
May 15, 2008 12:20 PM

I learned about this at school. I read 3 books on these for kids and about kids! We as a World need to make sure this dose not happen agin!
May 14, 2008 05:11 PM

This site is a really good site to learn alot about the holocaust. The people of the holocaust that killed these childrenhave no heart how could they do a thing like this. They had a whole life ahead of them. It made me be thankful for waht i have even if i don't have alot of money. AND IT SHOULD MAKE YOU THANKFUL TOO!!!!!!! Live your life good like those children would have!!!!!!
lee macake
May 12, 2008 04:26 PM

I am also learning about the Holocaust in school and its amazing how many people don't realize what these innocent people went through. This is an amazing website and I shall visit it again. god bless

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