Holocaust Encyclopedia (WLC)

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May 07, 2008 11:34 AM

exploring the history of the holocaust was a great experinces for me. i also learn more informaton that i didnt now about. so thank for helping me experince this wonderful tour!!! <3
May 07, 2008 09:49 AM

this website help me get a good grade on my class project i would like to see more pictures on what happened
May 07, 2008 09:28 AM

This helps a lot. Thank you for this information as it inhances learning to my brain. :)
May 06, 2008 04:06 PM

I've registered on this website, because I've recently been really disturbed & disgusted by the shameful apathy from members of the public, I heard on a BBC Radio station talkback session, concerning the tracking down, & bringing to justice of proven Nazi War Criminals. The very least we (the post-war generation) can do for the victims & survivors, is encourage society to bring every last perpetrator to justice! I know I speak for the MAJORITY of British people...! David
May 05, 2008 07:38 PM

There is some horror in the world that is hard to understand, and some that just seems unreal. Its hard to imagine coming home to an empty house, and seeing your baby brother gone. Its impossible to imagine the systematic killing of 6 million jews. remember us. remember the victims. remember my sister. remember us.
May 05, 2008 01:47 PM

I am using this website to get information on the jews for school and this website was very helpful.
May 04, 2008 02:12 AM

Concerning the Holocaust, let me say to all the survivors of the Nazi death camps, that you are truly a gift from God, and Gods children all. It concerns me, no makes me mad as hell, to hear other human beings disregard and say that the Holocaust never happened! That to me is the most ridiculous, assinine, and uneducated statement I've heard in my life. People who disregard the truth for their own personel agenda are not only condemned to try and repeat it, but also condemned to a eternity of Hell. Let them try and tell their God that they were ignorant of the truth. We must never, ever let this happen again to anything or anyone that breathes the air of this planet!
JAmes Kemmer
May 02, 2008 02:40 AM

I read quite a bit about the Holocaust and keep coming back to this site. Very good and informative. Thank you
May 01, 2008 07:49 PM

what happend to anne frank and her family is just another way of being racist that's wrong. to be locked away like an animal in one of those camps it's just horrible. she died so young never to see her parents again and to never have a normal life.
May 01, 2008 12:59 PM

I had visited Dachau in the early 80's on a tour of Europe and after seeing the museum, I didn't have the heart to see the showers. I came back today to see what I have missed. It makes my body feel awkward with all the suffering the people experienced. The blank faces in the pictures made me feel sad. All what happened that I saw in the pictures made me feel sick to my stomach and with this sense of such deep sorrow. Nobody should be able to suffer this much on purpose. That the human being is capable of this kind of evil is uncomprehensible. I pray for everyone and also pray this doesn't happen again.

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