Holocaust Encyclopedia (WLC)

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April 30, 2008 08:30 PM

I am currently learning about the Holocaust in school, and to read these people's stories is just amazing. I can't even begin to imagine what it would truly be like. Thank you so much.
April 30, 2008 10:48 AM

To ushmm.org, I thank you because this is a gold mine of info for me to do my school project on. So i thank you!!
April 29, 2008 11:41 PM

That's just horrible!!! You won't believe how many people at my school have no idea about the Holocaust. Spread the word and let the knowledge live on!!!
April 29, 2008 09:52 AM

I found the personal stories to be of great value. We must never forget! I was born in Germany in 1949 to a Protestant American Soldier and a Jewish Algerian/French mother. We lived there until I was four when we moved to New York City. I knew about the holocaust, even at age four, and knew that I was Jewish. Yet, it did not stop my little classmates, in very Jewish Riverdale, from calling me a Nazi when they heard where I was born. It was so hurtful I began saying I was born in France, even crying to mother demanding to know why she allowed me to be born there. Yet, I can not even imagine the anguish suffered by those who were actually there! I, and everyone, need these personal stories. I commend all who share them. Thank you.
April 29, 2008 09:38 AM

Brilliant website. Accurate information which is incredibily useful for assignments. the only minor niggle is that the date on the article was written is not beneath the article which makes it kind of annoying when writing a bibliography other wise it is great!
April 28, 2008 05:28 PM

it is so sad what they had to go through and for me its especially sad becasue they were humans just like us and they should not have had to go through something like this no matter what religion or race they were. Hitler was a horrible man who thought he could do something like this but he had no right too. i have to do a project and its cool and sad at the same time because when i see stuff like this i feel truly blessed and am that much more thankful of what i have. like i said nobody should have to go through this and if i could have taken their place i would but since i wasnt alive i couldnt. i would love to see a concentration camp sometime when i am older because its something i am very interested in and want to learn more about. thanks for reading my letter and keep up the good work.

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