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What's Your Experience of the Diary of Anne Frank

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January 12, 2013 04:11 PM

When I read the book "The Diary of Anne Frank", I was in eighth grade. It encouraged me to be thankful for what I have. The book is good for kids to read, so they know how terrible and scary it was to live back in the day; which will help them because then they will be proud and satisfied of what they have now. It was really incredible how she stayed calm and did not live a life of constant fear of being caught. I could relate to her because like any teenager, Anne wanted to be treated like an adult. It would've been really marvelous to meet her in person. She would've liked the society and world now. Since she wrote an incredible diary, she has made a miraculous change in many people.
January 12, 2013 03:18 PM

When I read the play version of The Diary of Anne Frank, her experiences and emotions expressed through her literary writings truly touched me. I don't think I will ever fully understand how any Holocaust survivor could have felt, let alone Anne, but I still felt that the story touched a certain part of me close to my heart. Whenever I am in harsh circumstances in my own life, I try and say, "This is something that Anne Frank would've gone through... only ten times worse." One thing I can relate with her is her feelings Peter, or frankly, any boy. In that way, Anne seemed like a normal girl, just like me, and she really was. It took me a while to realize that she really was just like me: she went to school, she had friends, she had a family... so many things that were suddenly snatched away from her. Her diary showed me that I took those things for granted. Hopefully, I won't take those things for granted anymore. And her spirit, even in the concentration camps, never failed to keep herself positive. I want to learn from that, to stay happy no matter how hard the situation is. So, for all of this, I want to conclude by saying thank you. Thank you, Anne, for inspiring millions of people all over the world, teaching us the true meaning of friends, family, courage, and love. Thank you.
January 12, 2013 02:58 PM

When I read the Diary of Anne Frank, I was so inspired how Anne could stay so happy even in the saddest of times. I know if it were me, I would be crying and horrified. It was amazing how she was able to stay in hiding for so long, being the age that I am now. I can't even imagine what I would do if I weren't allowed to go outside for about two years. She was such a strong and hopeful girl, and it's terrible that she had to die at such a young age. I hope that one day, I can be just as hopeful as Anne and the other hiders in the Annex were. I'm glad I read this book, because it taught me that even at the saddest of times, it is important to look at the good side.
January 12, 2013 02:53 PM

I first read this book in 8th grade. It left a lasting impression on me. I thought that it was a good book. Anne is a great writer and her feelings are evident in her writing. For example, she wrote in her diary that she wanted to give Mr. Dussel a giant smack. However, the diary showed her other side - the "good Anne" side, in her own words. This was the side which made the book deep and philosophical. Anne uses her diary as an outlet for her discussions about the world, spring, humanity, and many other things. She is very profound and is best remembered for her quote: "I still believe, in spite of everything, that people are truly good at heart." The fact that she thought this, while people around her were lying, cheating, stealing, and murdering, speaks for itself that Anne must have been remarkably adept at spotting goodness in people. This is why Anne made such a lasting impression on me, and why I was devastated when she was arrested by the Gestapo.
Elizabeth N.
January 11, 2013 02:43 AM

Reading Anne Frank made me realize a number of things. That even during the darkest of times, there is still a ray of hope you can still grasp onto. Anne dearly held onto that during the hiding of she and the others in the Annex. We both held many similarities to problems or complaints about life and family. Probably these similarities are due to the sprouting of a young teenager's mind. She showed me so much inspiration. And I'll hold by her words "I believe people are still good at heart."
January 11, 2013 01:43 AM

I can really relate to Anne since my personality is very similar to hers. The book Diary of Anne Frank makes me wonder how me and my family would cope under the circumstances that the members of the Annex went through during the hiding and the time in the concentration camps. i never expected the story of Anne Frank to be so inspiring and heartfelt.
Arnold Merriweather
January 11, 2013 12:25 AM

The first time I read the Diary of Anne Frank was just a few months ago. I feel this book really shows how you need to live your life to the fullest and how there is always someone out there who has it worst then you. This book gives people hope, especially when Anne can be so energetic and happy during depressing times. I also find that it was extremely ironic that only Mr. Frank survived, because I felt that he was the lifeline of the family; if he died, the whole family died, and yet his whole family died, but Mr. Frank did not. The information on this website is really surprising too, because everyone keeps saying this book is inspirational, and this book is inspirational, but there is no way to relate yourself, or connect yourself to this book, in my opinion. I find that I could never believe the actual events of the Holocaust unless I was actually there. So I discovered that I could not fully find the inspiration out of this book from the connection not being available to myself. Overall though, anyone could find hope from this book.
January 10, 2013 11:10 PM

I thought that this book was very touching and sad. I was inspired by how courageous she was and how she handled being locked up in one house with that many people for so long. I felt bad for her because no one knew how she felt. Even after all that she still believed people are still good inside.
January 10, 2013 10:51 PM

When I read Anne Frank's diary I was dumbfounded what Anne had to live through during her years of hiding. Living in cramped spaces and having to eat less food than she normal amount she used to. When I read to the point where Anne had talked about how you shouldn't take everyday for granted and that people always have good in them, my life was impacted emotionally. These lessons that Anne wrote down in her diary have made me think about life in other perspectives and change my lifestyle. Don't hate life, love it.
January 10, 2013 10:26 PM

I think that the Diary of Anne Frank is a story that really makes you think about the conditions that the Jews had to live with in World War II and the Holocaust. I find the cruelty that the Nazis showed towards Jews was very inhumane and morally wrong. It isn't right to persecute and kill people based on their religion. This kind of behavior results in what Anne and many others in World War II had to go through to survive. Even though Anne had to go through two long difficult years in the Annex, she and the other members of the Annex were still found by the Germans and sent to concentration camps. Other than the idea of the mistreatment by the Nazis toward Jews that this story illustrates, I found this story to be interesting and inspiring. I was astonished on how Anne could maintain such an upbeat attitude even when she was locked up in a building's attic for two years. I also learned that in situations like Anne's, every decision and action is crucial to survival. I feel that the errors of Mr. Van Daan, Peter, and Mouschi led to the Annex being compromised. All in all, I feel that The Diary of Anne Frank is a great story. I think that it is amazing that a simple diary of a teenage girl transformed into one of the most popular books read in the world today.

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