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What's Your Experience of the Diary of Anne Frank

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January 10, 2013 09:57 PM

Anne Frank's story is undoubtedly a very dark yet moving one. Her constant positive outlook on life, even through the toughest of tough, is rather heartwarming and influential. The touching story definitely caused me to change how I see the world. Maybe everyone is "really good at heart".
January 10, 2013 09:39 PM

I read the Diary of Anne Frank last year during eighth grade. The book comes back to me quite clearly as it was the fact that Anne, being near my age, handled her situation very well. From the beginning to the end, I was amazed by Anne and the way she made the best of a bad situation. It was very inspiring and if I hadn't read it, I wouldn't feel the way I do about my life. Having enough food to eat and being able to go outside wasn't something I always took notice of. I certainly feel very fortunate to have all thing things I do. Reading Anne's diary changed me, as I'm sure it did the same for you.
Pretty Princess
January 10, 2013 09:33 PM

At first when I was about to read the "Diary of Anne Frank", I thought the book would be just another historical fiction book. Once I finished the book, my mind was changed. It was touching and inspiring. However, her whole story is even more intriguing. Her time through the concentration camps outlined the persistence within Anne Frank. Her fantasies of a good life, were what got her to where she was. I just wish that she was still around today, to see how much the world has changed.
January 10, 2013 08:51 PM

Anne Frank's diary was a hopeful ray of light beneath the horror of the Holocaust. Despite knowing the horrible things outside that surrounded her family and friends and put them in danger, she was still optimistic and believed in the good of everyone. Her quote, "In spite of everything, I still believe people are really good at heart." truly inspired me. I'm sure it would make Anne overjoyed to hear she finally became a famous writer and actress in a way, and finally made it to Paris and London. It would also make her happy to hear about the great advancements we made in society, and how we have learned from the Holocaust to accept everyone and that we are all equal.
January 10, 2013 08:45 PM

Anne Frank is so inspirational to many young people nowadays. Her spirit was always so lively and enthusiastic. After I read her diary,I was inspired to keep my own diary and now it's become a habit. Even though our personalities are kind of different, I can still understand her feelings especially because she was also a teenager. I think many people look up to her in a sense that she is so bold, frank, and open to sharing her feelings. Anne Frank provides a great example of a girl using her diary as a way to express her thoughts and feelings.
January 10, 2013 08:24 PM

When I started reading "Diary of Anne Frank," I didn't know what to expect. I thought it would just be another book about the Holocaust and how people suffered and yada yada. Although, when I got into the book I realized it was much more than that. It is amazing how Anne's spirit can be so high even when she is going through the worst possible time in the world! When she was in hiding she has a positive effect on everyone, and that is the main reason that they lasted as long as they could. Anne and everyone else went though the worst time period in the history of the world, and it is amazing how long they survived. The food rations given were minimal, plus Mr. Van Daan stole a lot of it. Plus, they were cramped into a tiny little space and they managed to live for a whole 2 years! Overall, it is a miracle that they lived so long, and that they were happy all the way until they got caught. This book was amazing and I recommend it to everyone in the world.
January 10, 2013 07:55 PM

During the reading of the Diary of Anne Frank (play version), it made me think about how humans can be driven to such extremes in times of peril. It also made me thing about how Anne had so little of everything, barely scraping by on the slight essentials, while I have everything she could have dreamed of, and more. This revelation drove me to ponder my worldview and how, if I appreciated all my material wealth, I really could become "richer," by only actually being grateful for everything I own. :)
Valerie Karmen
January 10, 2013 07:48 PM

Our teacher made us read, watch, and act out The Diary of Anne Frank. At first I just thought it was like any old class-reading book required for eight grade. When we finished the story, I actually liked it. The book was written with so much description that I felt like I was there hiding with them. I felt like the characters were my friends because I knew so much about them. If Anne was still alive, I think that she would really like that there wasn't a world war after what she endured and that she was right -- "the world [was] just going through a phase" during World War 2. She would also like that there isn't such strong racial or religious persecution/discrimination these days. All in all, reading Anne Frank opened my eyes to how cruel the humans can be and what a great person Anne was.
Erin C.
January 10, 2013 07:45 PM

Anne Frank's story is amazingly inspiring in a way no one can believe. She and her family had been through so much, living such a hard life, being in a shadow of danger every single day. During those 2 years, her life had changed not only her feelings about life, but her soul and personality. She learned to appreciate the little things in life; the sounds of birds, the blue sky, and the warmth of the sun on her face. Anne had experienced anger, love, hate, fear, and yet, she had turned into a woman during the days that turned into weeks, into months, and into years. She is an inspiration to all of us, kids, teenagers, and adults. Anne had such courage so influencing, that she encouraged people to remember the littlest things in life, and to appreciate what you have.
DK26 Posey <3
January 10, 2013 07:40 PM

When I had discovered that we were going to read the play about The Diary of Anne Frank, I would admit that I was not very enthusiastic about having to read the book, but once we had started reading, and once the characters had started to develop I found it very hard to put down the book. Anne's story is truely inspiring and has taught me that no matter how bad a situation could be you should always have hope that things will improve and stay positive. Before I had read this book, I really did not know much about World War Two or the Holocaust. Now that I have read a play about Anne's life, it really showed me how horrible the war really was. Reading The Diary of Anne Frank was really inspirational and taught me that you should live your life with hope of happiness and to stay positive because you never know when it could be the end. Anne truly was an example of this behavior, and never let the thought of being captured by the Nazis get her down. Instead, she stayed positive and inspired not only her family, but those who have read her diary throughout the world.

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