Online Exhibitions
What's Your Experience of the Diary of Anne Frank

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Arushi Rai
January 10, 2013 07:31 PM

Anne Frank was a very thorough book, with details of her life. I found it a wonderful experience to read the book, and a thought it was a turning point in my life. It inspired me to not take things for granted and think about "now" instead of planning my life. I also learned from Anne that I should discuss controversial things in my diary, because of her I keep a diary. You may never know that your diary live on after your death. I'm happy that Anne kept a diary, it was a great way for her to live on and show what happened during the time she was underground. For some reason, I wish she would have survived, she would have changed the world, maybe. Just through her words, it changed me, I wonder if she was alive, then there would be no more racism in the world. I proud to learn about such a great person. She has inspired teenage girls everywhere. She taught me a very important thing; hope.
January 10, 2013 06:54 PM

In Language Arts, I read the play version of the Diary of Anne Frank and was amazed by how she fought for her life, even after she thought her whole family was dead except for Margot. That spirit is present in very few people nowadays that would act the same way she did. Overall, Anne was a huge inspiration to many including myself and I believe that everyone should read her book and be educated about what happened during that time.
January 10, 2013 03:14 PM

When I first read The Diary of Anne Frank, it touched me the way she was so optimistic the whole time. It made me look up to her as a role model. Even when time were rough she kept making the best of it. For Example when it was Hanukkah she made presents for everybody since they couldn't buy any. She brought smiles to everybody's face :) Also only sometimes she would give up and let her self be miserable but then she became happy again. I really admire her optimism. This book taught me to be grateful because everybody doesn't get this kind of opportunity in life. This book also taught how I should behave and really be optimistic. :)
Eric K.
January 01, 2013 07:31 PM

I thought that this website was very descriptive and inspirational. This relates to kids these days because we usually talk about our troubles and stuff that we don't like. I can not really relate to her because she stayed so positive throughout the whole journey. If that was me I would not be able to stay positive because if you were mad at someone than you would still have to be near them, there really isn't any privacy, and you couldn't go outside and play with all of your friends. Also with not that much food I would go crazy. I found this story very sad and inspiring in many ways.

Mr. Conway's Class
December 21, 2012 10:25 AM

When I read Anne Frank it inspired me to be thankful for what I have. Anne and her family went through so much and I could never have done it. They were so brave and supportive of one another. I can only imagine what they must've been feeling through out this whole experience. I hope that maybe someday I'll be able to be as strong as Anne and her family.
Hannah C.
December 20, 2012 09:08 PM

I don't know if I can relate to Anne exactly, but I do find her story inspiring. It amazed my how she managed to stay so calm and live in hope. She knew what the risk was, yet she chose not to live in the constant fear of being caught, Instead, she chose to live her life in the dreams of when she would finally escape, and be allowed to do the things she couldn't do; like going out and visiting her friends. I think that Anne Frank is an inspiration to teenage girls all over the world for her inspirational courage.
Dante M.
December 20, 2012 07:56 PM

I found this website to be very informative. Anne greatly relates to even teenage girls nowadays. The story of her life said much about her troubles with adults and other people, very similar to some people I know. Also girls frequently write in journals about their life and what is happening around them. I am very pleased with the information given on this website, this was a very sad and inspiring story that everyone should know about.
December 20, 2012 07:54 PM

Anne's story affected me and taught me a lot more then I ever new I had. Her story made me realize I should be greatful for the little things in life. I can relate to her in away because just like any young teenager she wanted to be treated like an adult but at the same time still acted like a child. Over all I believe Anne is a huge role model in today's history.
Sarah Simpson
December 20, 2012 07:16 PM

This story really affected me beacause I'm realizing & seeing how bad this really is. "Give!" was a very inspiring essay. I learned that she is just a normal teenage young girl at heart. Anne & I would get along because we are both very nice, caring girls.
December 20, 2012 05:48 PM

I found Anne's essay give extremely inspiring. She talked about making the world a better place just by donating a coin or clothes to beggars. She also said how we should not treat people differently. It does not matter if they have money or not everyone was born equal and throughout life it should stay that way. I am truly inspired by Anne and i hope we can make this world a better place.

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