Online Exhibitions
What's Your Experience of the Diary of Anne Frank

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February 22, 2009 01:50 AM

A novel of such powerful words can be a life changing event. This girl is my hero. To be honest i could never go through something like that, trapped up in a room for over 2 years never being outside. Not feeling the wind or the hot sun against your skin. I love my life today and thank god i dont have to go through a horror like Anne Frank did. This girl so young but she had a big heart full of love. She believe everyone had good in them but i bet if she was still living today her opinion would probably change but who knows. If you havent read this book you need to its very good! Being my age i dont know very much because i've only lived in this world for 14th years but i know something good when i see it. I really loved studying on this book and i think you will to. Oh also go check the movie out the girl that plays Anne does such amazing job!
February 21, 2009 05:31 PM

Im in middle school && as part of the curriculum we had to read Historical Fiction books. So i read the blurb of the book; Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl.It seem interesting so i picked it && i left it lying around i usually do my homework and my reading all in the last minute. About a week ago i was extremely bored so i said to myself, ill mind as well start that book. I would have never guessed it would turn out to be such an amazing documentary. Once i started reading it i couldn't put it down. The way she described her emotions it just made you feel like you knew everything about her. I got so caught up in the book to the point where my mother screaming at me to do my chores i just ignored her went to my room and just read for hours. I came to the point where i cried at the end of the book some tears. It made me think about her how she would have been a great writer and person if only her life hadn't been cut so short.It made me think how we just take everything for granted && we should appriecte out families. That we are lucky people that we dont have to go what she did that we dont have to hide from people as if we have commited some sort of crime. This is one of the most amazinq books i have ever read. It was such a tragety someone betrayed their whereabouts. I asked my mother if i could go with my friends mother because we want to go see the hiding place. i cant wait.
February 20, 2009 05:59 PM

Very great story, I almost reaching the whole new level of the knowledge about Anne Frank.

"It is not your popularity, it is having friends as you want to hang up with. It's up to you"
-Jose M.

My quote.
February 20, 2009 11:29 AM

The Diary of Anne Frank was quite a touching book. Reading some of her diary entries made me want to cry. Being able to as optimistic as she was in a situtation like that is amazing. Her words are so inspiring. Her last entry said that she belived all man kind were good. Having the ability to write that, not being completely sure of your fate, makes you quite a strong person.
Reading her entries remind you to thank God for what you do have and to live every day to its fullest. NEVER say you can relate to the victioms of the Holocaust unless you lived their life or until you were worked to death, starved, disease proned, shoved in a freezing barrack with 6-8 other prisoners, shaved from your head to your toes, only alloted a few ounces of water a day, and possibly gassed!
Thank you Mr. Otto Frank and Miep Gies for preserving the diary. Happy 100th Birthday to Miep!
Jonathan Roberts
February 20, 2009 11:28 AM

Our class has been focusing on the Holocaust period. However, our main topic was the Diary of Anne Frank. I have been moved by Anne's story. It is hard to understand the predicaments that those who were in hiding faced. They, those who were in hiding, were always having internal or external conflicts. After all, it wouldn't have been easy to go into hiding for two and a half years. I guess that they did what they had to. Our class now has a little idea of this topic. However, a person could never fully understand this situation unless they lived through this time.
February 20, 2009 11:28 AM

I am an eighth grade student at UCMS, and we just finished reading parts of the Diary of Anne Frank and some of the play. From reading this book and play, these times were very hard for imperfect people and religions such as the Jewish, Polish, and mentally and physically disabled people. Hitler was a very powerful man during the 1940's killing such innocent people for no good reason. Most likely if you were in any types of religion or an "imperfect" person, you were killed, but not in Anne Franks case. Anne Frank and her family went into hiding in 1942 with her family. She and her family were found in the attic of the warehouse and later killed at concentration camps or died of sicknesses.
February 20, 2009 11:25 AM

I am in 8th grade and our language class just finished our unit on the holocaust. I can't belive what Anne and her family had to go through during their lives, It would be really hard to live in an attic for two years as a teenager. She is a great role model for everyone of all ages.
February 20, 2009 11:20 AM

I must say that I find the story of the Holocaust very horrid and upsetting, yet so interesting. I am in Middle School and our English class has just finished our unit on the Holocaust. We learned a lot about Anne Frank and about the Holocaust, but there was so little time to go into great detail. I found that learning about Anne, her family, and about many other Jews was something i really enjoyed doing. I was amazed at what all took place in the Holocaust! The fact that the German's could torture and kill so many innocent people all because of their culture just disgusted me! Although i found various events of the Holocaust to be terrifying and cruel, Anne inspired me. Anne Frank was a young lady about my age around the time when the Holocaust began, but to me she acted SO mature. If i were to have been in the same situation that Anne was in, I know that i would not have kept a positive mind. Anne simply seemed hopeful for freedom every single day. She made it seem easy to keep her spirits high,and to even lift others' as well. What inspired me over all about Anne Frank was her very last response in her diary. She wrote, "I believe all of man kind are good." I cannot believe how caring Anne was. Though the Germans had killed so many of her people and destroyed the teen years of her life, she was still able to say that they were people. AMAZING! I admire all of the victims involved the Holocaust and all of the allies who tried to help! What a story it is!
February 20, 2009 11:18 AM

I read parts of Anne Frank's diary and it is a very toutching story.
I can't believe how cruely the Jews were treated just a few decades ago. I don't think that I could stand to stay in hiding for 2-3 years. I would hate to be separated from my family and unable to visit my friends. Anne Frank's story will live on for generations to come.
Jake Goecke
February 20, 2009 11:15 AM

this book has really put into perspective how lucky I am to live a life where no one looks down on me because of my religion and also to not have to live in an attic with the same people for about two years. Most of all I very lucky to be able to go outside and play with friends and family. The Diary of Anne Frank reminds me that life is an incredibly precious thing that shouldn't be a abusecd. My Congrats are out to Miep who celebrated her 100th birthday last Sunday.

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