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What's Your Experience of the Diary of Anne Frank

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February 20, 2009 11:14 AM

I have just finished reading "Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl", and was shocked at Anne's experience during the Holocaust. I hadn't really looked into the subject until now, so it was an absolute shock at the terrible circumstances Anne and the other residents of the "Secret Annexe" had to go through. It makes me thankful that I live in a country where everyone is treated equally and with respect. I probably wouldn't have been able to find strength in myself like Anne did, and I praise her for that! She is an inspiration and will continue to be for future generations!
Brittany R
February 20, 2009 11:09 AM

I am an 8th grade student and in my language class we have just recently read Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl. Anne is such a strong minded girl. she always speaks her mind and never lets anyone keep her down. I don't think that she realizes how strong she really is. Anne is also very brave. She is such a great role model for everyone to look up to. I also pity her because she had to be locked up for two and a half years and have no contact with any of her friends or other family members. She was very courageous about it though and even though she had many worries on her mind she still managed to keep everyone from going crazy. She was such a great girl and it is terrible that she had to loose her life in such a terrible way.
Shelby S.
February 20, 2009 11:09 AM

The Diary of Anne Frank was a very emotional book. This girl had to go through so much at a young age. She had to stay cooped up in an attic for 2 1/2 years! I, for one, couldn't do that! I couldn't even live through the food rations! This was a very horrible time for the Jews and for the people that wanted change. If you were a Jew that went into hiding, you never knew if someone would find you and take you away from your family and be put in a concentration camp or the gas chambers! It was a very sad and horrible time, WWII. I am really happy that Anne's father found the diary and published it. If he didn't, then we all wouldn't really know exactly what living in those conditions was like.
February 20, 2009 11:09 AM

The Diary of Anne Frank was a very interesting book. It was great to read and learn about the Holocaust. I wouldn't have been able to stay in hiding for 2 1/2 years (especially with seven other people).
Anne was very strong. She was at such a young age to have to go through all of these hardships. She never knew whether she would be able to see her friends again. She didn't know if she would live or die. I would have been very frightened. All my emotions and feelings would not be kept in a diary. I would show them everyday.
I feel that Anne became very mature at her young age. She may have been quite annoying at some times but it kept her upbeat. Something that was very hard to do in a life or death situation.
Shelby H
February 20, 2009 11:09 AM

I am a middle school student who just finished reading the book. I read the diary with my 8th grade Language Arts Class. We also read the play of Anne Frank and acted it out as a class. I enjoyed that the most. The book left me in amazement. I cannot imagine living in an annex for that amount of time and only seeing those people everyday. I am a very social and outgoing person and I cannot stand to stay inside or in my house for long periods of times. Just staying there would have been enough for me. There is no way I would have survived so well. By the end of the book I realized i take my life for granted. I live an average life style and I am just like any other average teenage girl. Anne never got to experience the everyday adventure life gives you when you are a young teenage girl. She missed out on so much. My favorite to read about was Anne and Peter. They seemed so cute:) I hope they met again in heaven. In my ending thoughts, I must say that if I was going to be "locked" up like that for two years, I would want someone like Anne to be living with me. She had lots of energy and didn't seem quite as depressed as the rest of the group.In all circumstances she still had fun with her life and tried to be happy.
Hunter H
February 20, 2009 11:07 AM

I have never visited the hidingplace but I think that that would be a wonderful trip to make someday. I can't imagine all the things that probably went through her mind when they heard a police siren or dogs barking. I truly respect Anne and her family and wish to meet them one day. =]
Fuller, Austin M
February 20, 2009 11:06 AM

My language class just got done reading this book and our whole class enjoyed it. I just think it's amazing how they survived that time in the annex without being outside at all. There is no way i could ever do that. It stinks that it had to end up the way that it did but Anne left a great remembrance and now everybody can know the experience that she had to withstand
Wyatt Krom
February 20, 2009 11:06 AM

I am reading her diary in my language class and I think it is amazing! She goes through so many things I don't think I could have done. she is very brave and she reminds me not to take anything for granted. Anne wanted her story to be remembered and it most certainly was!
I hope i can have the strength she had to go on. Her story is a good reminder that Gods will will be done. I hope to see her in heaven.
Ryan Abbott
February 20, 2009 11:05 AM

Anne Frank was an extremely kind hearted and funny girl who acted immature in the beginning but very "adultlike" in the end. She had a strong personality and loved to have fun. She also had a mischievious nature that got her into several spots of trouble at times but always came out laughing. Her story struck me deep and her death after all those years of hiding could have torn anyone apart. Her life was cut short and denied her many things that teens love to do. To see what her life would've been like had she lived on would have been unfathomable and almost certainly, full of excitement. The book was amazing and should be even more world renown. I'm sure she would have loved to see how each culture, religion, and race are trying to reach past their differences and live as one people throughout the world. These were my thoughts.
Courtney Baker
February 20, 2009 11:05 AM

The diary of Anne Frank has been the best book i have read so far. While you are reading it, it makes you feel like you are actually there. Anne, Peter, Margot, Mr and Mrs Vandann, Mr and Mrs Frank, Dussel were very brave. I know i culdnt live up in a building for two years, I would have went crazy. Unlike Anne, i prefer my mom instead of my dad. My mom can relate to me more, but i get why she iked her dad more.
yeah, where did this story really take place? I just dont get why people could be so cold hearted and so such a thig to jews. It isn't there fault they were jews. I know it must have been hard back then and it makes you think about what if that would be happening right now.

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