Online Exhibitions
What's Your Experience of the Diary of Anne Frank

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Haley Snyder
February 20, 2009 11:04 AM

Anne Frank was a very free minded and funny young girl. I can't begin to imagine what she had to go through with leaving her friends, and just being with her family for two and a half years straight. I don't see how they kept sane. Plus the fact that everytime they heard a noise they were scared to death. It would be very difficult to live with that everyday. Many jews did this during the Holocaust and they sacrificed so much! Many children didn't have a childhood because they spent it hidden and in fear. Since my class has started this unit on the Holocaust, I have realized how many people died and the way the jews her mistreated daily. It is saddening and heartbreaking how many people were gassed, shot, and killed everyday of the war. The thing that blew me away most was that, Anne still believed that mankind was good at heart and she believed and had hope that everything would be okay. She must've been a truly remarkable young person and i wish her fate wasn't as it turned out to be.
February 20, 2009 11:03 AM

After reading The Diary of Anne Frank, I finally realize the extent of the Nazi's plan to completely exterminate the Jews during the Holocaust. Because of her will to write, we have a first person account of what really happened during the Holocaust instead of just having the Nazi's account of what happened. Happy Birthday, Miep Gies, and congratulations on 100 years!
Courtney Gross
February 20, 2009 11:01 AM

This is an amazing story. There is no way that i could of made it. It's sad that they got sent off and it would of been great if they all made it. But unfortunatley they aren't :(
The story makes you feel like your actually there. It was a wonderful story and i think that everyone should read at least 5 diary entries.
February 20, 2009 10:59 AM

I really liked the diary of anne frank. My LA class and I were assigned to read fifteen passages, five for each year. I didnt think I'd like it at first, but I connected with it and read the whole thing, even though the teacher said I didn't have to.
Cassie Blankenship
February 20, 2009 10:57 AM

This was an amazing book! I was suprised with the hardships Anne went through. I was saddened by the fact that Anne was so desperate for a friend. I was suprised when I read that she felt that she had a speaical secrect during her time of the month. I fell that anyone would enjoy this book but older people may find more meaning in it because they will understand the meaning of the story more than a younger child.
February 19, 2009 05:57 PM

A few years ago, I started reading the Diary of Anne Frank at the school library. I only got to the part where Anne began living in the Secret Annex. The schoolyear ended and I never got the chance to finish reading.

Around Christmas 2008, I asked for the book and my dad ordered it. I finally got to read the diary! I connected with Anne and it felt as if I were reading my own thoughts.

Her last diary entry, which at the time of reading I didn't realize was the last, has stayed in my mind. It was as if I wrote the words myself. I was shocked to find that is where the book ended. At the end was a description of what happened afterwards--who died when, and who died where. I started sobbing, feeling like I was receiving the news of many friends' deaths. Now I truely understand the tragedy of Anne's death, and the horrific treatment of the Jews.

This book has opened my eyes. I am so glad I read it.
February 19, 2009 02:42 PM

Right now I'm in the process of reading her diary, and so far I feel her frustration with her family and surroundings. Her writing is so deeply heart-felt, every time I turn a page of the diary, I can feel and see what's going on; she reaches the hearts of millions with just the concept of honesty and innocence. How anyone else could ever subjugate her I'll never know.
February 18, 2009 11:03 PM

My wonderful english teacher had her heart set on studying the passion and strength Anne Frank had. We had just finish the novel Night and decided to watch the movie of Anne Frank which was wonderful. I think i relate to Anne in a special way i admire her very much and after watching that movie and experiencing those horrible scenes made me thank God for the free life i live today if this doesn't change your life i dont know what will.
February 14, 2009 10:18 AM

this is a amazing book and she went though alot if i lived back than i will help anne frank she was a dear girl.
kevin cooke
February 13, 2009 01:22 PM

i have really learned alot from hearing anne franks diary it has inspired to do and to give and to forgive other people i will do what i can to make this world a loving and careful place i will start to be the best i can be by helping others thank you for sharing those pages with me i am truly greatful for sharing thank you, thank you

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