Online Exhibitions
What's Your Experience of the Diary of Anne Frank

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Alecia Crocker
February 12, 2009 09:10 PM

I am in 8th grade and I just read "The diary of Anne Frank" not to long ago in school and it just made me realise how like people can be so cruel. I mean its like people just go around judging people not even knowing them. Its just descusting! Its aweful! I hate it! I can totally relate to it though. I mean I am judged all the time without people even knowing who I am. I mean I am the girl who is all alone cause I am in foster care and im just known as the girl with a really bad life and its like I mean there is so much more to me then that. I dont know...Its just like people need to learn to get to know someone before judging them. And I mean i=even if you do know them, dont judge them cause there different. Its just not right.
February 11, 2009 12:11 PM

i am only 11 and i enjoyed the diary and found it very heartwarming. anyone who hasnt read it has to and when i am older i will hopefully visit the annexe
Danielle Breeggemann
February 11, 2009 12:10 PM

Anne Frank had a large amount of courage to stay quiet in hiding for more than two years. She wrote a wonderful diary and we are very fortuinate to read it.
February 11, 2009 12:09 PM

I think that Anne Frank is the bravest woman or girl of all time. She stayed strong through all that happened to her and her family. She never quit and always wanted to do what she could to make sure that her family was okay. This book and story shows the real Anne Frank and all that she did for the Jewish population in Germany or Europe at that time. I love this book and can't wait to learn more about her and her journey.
February 11, 2009 04:50 AM

I had read the Diary of Annie Frank when I was about 14 yrs. It was a very 'capturing' book, totally capturing my attention. It also inspired me to start writing my own diary. At that teenage when there is so much confusion in the mind, it really helps to be putting down your thoughts in a diary.

I am now about 40 and yet if I could get hold of the book again, I would love to sit and devour it.
February 10, 2009 06:28 PM

Anne was wise above her years, most positive in the worst circumstances with faith and love that only God teaches. Her quote "my memories mean more to me than dresses" show such wisdom that most adults don't acquire. Just an amazing young girl.
February 09, 2009 07:16 PM

This is one of the most inspiering stories out there! im 13 years old and doing a new repot on here for school and shes shows a lot of strenght for such a young age! she knows shes going to die but has a strong faith! I hope to meet this amazing young girl someday!!
February 09, 2009 06:40 AM

I visited the hidingplace a few weeks ago, for the second time. This time I was emotioned by the visit. I'm so proud of Anne. We should never forget! I Also want to show my respect to Miep Gies. Without her we could never read the diary. She will celebrate her 100th birthday next sunday!!!

Great website by the way. My compliments.
February 08, 2009 04:37 PM

This is an amazing book. I can relate to her soooo MUCH. I prefer my dad more than my mom, I know someone like Mrs.VanDaan & how she handles life is how i want to handle life too. I also want to be a "strong" character, like Anne. She would've been a great friend, i hope to meet her in heaven. = )
February 07, 2009 01:00 PM

I was in high school when I read this diary of this courageous young girl and what she and her family had to go through during WWII. At times, while reading her book, she made you feel like you were there experiencing jsut what she was experiencing. Her writings I must say were some of the best that a young writer like herself could ever imagine possible and that so many countless thousands of people have read her story. It really makes you think about what goes on in your own life.

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