Holocaust Encyclopedia (WLC)

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Amber Merrick
May 17, 2010 02:24 PM

This is a tradgedy!!! Im in disbelief
May 13, 2010 05:03 PM

I was a combat soldier with the 86th Infantry Division and was involved in liberating many concentration camp prisoners near the end of WWII in Germany.

The 86th Infantry Division is cited in the History books among other combat units involved with liberatiing Holocaust victims.
May 04, 2010 11:56 AM

I just wanted to say that my 8th grade class at Harvest Middle School is using your website and it has helped a lot of student's :) Thank you so much !
Tavist Eva
April 29, 2010 11:08 AM

I'm researching the Holocaust for a school paper and this website was a great help and while doing this research I asked my great grandmother if our family was part of the holocaust and she said that our family was one of the families that helped the Jews escape the holocaust by taking them to Sweden and other safe places.
Bayley Hooper
April 28, 2010 09:29 PM

Wow how sad! I can't believe how awful they treated them and the way they killed people was just brutal!
Greg Walker
April 24, 2010 08:47 AM

As one of Jehovah's Witnesses I would like to thank you for making this human tragedy public and accessible. It does bother me as an older American, that so many young ones commenting were never made aware by their parents or their educational system of the persecution and extermination of so many varied groups by a major world power in recent history. I believe it was Lincoln(?)who stated that those who don't know history are doomed to repeat it. I have not seen the museum and it's exhibits. A close friend of mine did and commenting on the records and display regarding our brothers he simply stated; "It makes you proud of them and their service to Jehovah." No statesmen or orator could have said it better. Thanks you again for your unbiased reporting.
Matthew Brown
April 22, 2010 12:17 AM

My experiences from reading several biographies of the Holocaust era (Night, Diary of Anne Frank) and exploring every square inch of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, I can honestly say that I am 100% interested in every detail of the Holocaust. I started to get the urge to learn about the Holocaust when I met my Jewish friend, Tya Mendelsohn. At that point, I had been reading the Diary of Anne Frank for just a simple read...and then I was hooked with learning.

And I'm a 13 year old boy.
Lona Smith
April 15, 2010 02:03 AM

Whenever I find a documentary or movie dealing with the Holocaust, I make myself watch them. Not for any morbid reason, but because it serves as a buffer to ever becoming complacent to the horrors endured by fellow humans, at the hands of other fellow humans. In June, my family and a group of other Jehovah's Witnesses will visit the USHM in Washinton D.C. for the second time. It's a trip well worth taking. Thank you USHM for not forgetting that we like countless others stood firm amid the savagery of those war years!
April 10, 2010 11:04 PM

Hi, today for the first time I went to the Holocaust Museum, you know I am 28 yrs old and I only learn a little about it in my elementary and junior years in school in NYC. But I always wanted to experience it. It is intense, WOW! I mean to see the shoes, the clothes, the stories and the news and propaganda. The cruelty and the injustice. Incredible, I remember the most this guy forgot his name of course but he was telling a story and I had to share a TEAR at this moment when he talks about a 10 yrs old boy asked him why he was born Jew and how he thought that it was his fault that they wanted to kill his family. I tell you that is some strong thing to hear and to have experience it it is even better.

Thank you to all the personnel at the museum they made it not only a experience to remember but they were very knowledgeable and friendly. Keep on doing what you are doing and my condolences to all of you that lost someone in this horrible crime.

God Bless you all!
April 10, 2010 04:16 AM

My mother was in the Tarnow Ghetto before transported to several concentration camps. She was separated from her family in Tarnow Ghetto. Her name at the time, Nusia Lehrfeld (now Kanner). If anyone has information regarding her family, Herman, Rose or Bronia Lehfeld, or the Faust Family (Naftali Faust), please contact me.

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