Online Exhibitions
What's Your Experience of the Diary of Anne Frank

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Michael J
December 22, 2008 04:45 PM

The essay that Anne Frank wrote, "Give," is a very powerful essay that everyone should read. She talked about how rich or poor, people are still people that should be treated as equals no matter what your social status is and how rich you are. This story affected me because I definitely agree with what she is saying. Everyone should be treated as equals. Even though she wrote her diary from her ages 13-15 which I am around that age, I could not relate to Anne Frank. She was so strong through the whole experience which was two years in a small attic space. I would not be able to live through that. She also stayed very positive and believed that people were good at heart. She is such a strong person that didn't deserve to go through that awful experience.
Clayton L
December 22, 2008 04:35 PM

Anne Frank had many ideas on life and the people that live in this world that were even more mature than most adults. She hid for 2 years and in that time became a very different person. Before the Nazis discriminated against the Jews and even in the first few months of hiding Anne was a very animated person. All she wanted to do was have fun, play, and be with friends. Anne was independent and even though she kept that independence throughout her short life, during hiding it began to take a different form. Going into hiding Anne wanted to make a life of her own. She wanted to become a writer and not do the usual things wives did back then (cook, clean, take care of kids.) This idea was advanced for her time. Here was a girl with a sister and mother that were both quiet and polite. Anne however was loud and outspoken. During hiding Anne started to take new views about the world. She had a new philosophy about life and cared for everyone. Annes writings in "Give" could not be more true. The same problems happen today and we do need to fix them. The Diary of Anne Frank is a great story that tells us an important lesson aout life.
Austin H.
December 22, 2008 03:49 PM

Anne was a very lively girl and i think it was hard on her especially as a teenager with a lot to say for Anne to stay quite all that time every day. I hate not being able to say anything for a long time. I guess Anne was alright with it though because she was just doing it so she wouldn't get caught by the green police but still. I cant say that i enjoy writing but i guess i would need something to do for those hours of the day in which i couldn't talk or even go to the bathroom. Anne even back then is still like a typical teenage girl though with her crushes and her pictures of movie stars all over her room and her diaries.
Alyssa C
December 22, 2008 02:37 PM

On the website you can tell that she is ver lively, and outspoken, and a very happy person. The story was very interesting because you are able to picture what life was like at the time, and you can see what her point of view on the situation was. I couldnt relate to her because i have never been through a situation like that.
Mel H.
December 22, 2008 02:35 PM

Anne Frank was an intelligent teenager who saw life through a positive perspective. She accepted every situation, even though she was living in an insufferable time. It was hard for a teenager like Anne or Peter or Margot to grow up in a time of war. They could not go out and have a good time because they were being treated unfairly, with many of their privileges stolen from them because of the Green Police. It is very tragic that Hitler couldn't tolerate many people. I could not imagine having to go through what Anne had to go through. But she was always happy and made the best out of every moment. Anne Frank has inspired me in so many ways and I wish I could have met her. But maybe it is better that she spoke to the world through her diary and stories. They teach us to love even the poor people and make the best out of our lives. Through her creative writing, Anne's soul remains in our hearts.
Sierra L.
December 22, 2008 02:25 PM

I think Anne Frank's story is very inspiring. I learned a lot about Anne herself, the war, and what it would be like to be in hiding. Although Anne lived a very long time ago, in some ways she reminds me of 13 or 14 year old girls today. I think Anne was a truly great person, and some of the things she talked about in her diary are mature beyond her years.
nicole b
December 22, 2008 12:18 PM

Anne is a very outspoken person that i can relate to in many ways. She has some problems that she thinks are hard to deal with as a young child. She loves to write and she is a very intelligant girl. Anne is an inspirational person to a lot of girls and evey boys around 13 and 14 years old. I am 13, so i know partly how she was felling. Anne is honestly a legend to read about. I recommend her diary to everyone, including adults or older people.
December 21, 2008 07:10 PM

In "An Unfinished Story"- "Gift" showes what people do today. They treat wealthier and beautiful people better than poorer and uglier people. Celebrities are considered beautiful to everyone and everyone is nice to them rather than ordinarly people. Even the people at school. Just because someone has better clothes than someone else doesnt mean they are better.
December 21, 2008 05:51 PM

Anne Frank was an absoluetely wonderful person. She is so inspirational and I found that she really was a great writer. I'm sure that she would've been a very popular author if she had lived through the concentration camps. She had a tremendous impact on me, and she makes me think that everyone really is good at heart. She was a beautiful and smart girl, and she was really brave and strong to be able to live in the conditions she did. And going through all she did just makes her so inspiring, and i can't wait to actually read her diary.
Mikaela C.
December 21, 2008 03:57 PM

This is a great story in many different ways. The story affected me, because it made me think how much the Jews had suffered and how bad Hitler and the Nazis were. I got to learn about what had happened in that time. I can't really relate with Anne because we are such different people and she was born way before me. I really did like Anne's story though and thought that she was a good person who was in a bad situation. I wish Anne was alive to see that her diary had gotten published and that she not even knowing was turned into a star in history.

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