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What's Your Experience of the Diary of Anne Frank

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Angela Zhao
December 09, 2008 05:17 PM

I recently read the Diary of Anne Frank. It was a very moving story about how her family went into hiding with the Van Daan family. Anne is a extremely positive girl. She believes that all people are good in their heart. She has a talent for writing, and she wanted to be a writer. I'm sad that her dream didn't come true. She turned bad situation into good things. At Hanukah Anne gave everybody a present even though they were in very poor condition.
December 09, 2008 05:15 PM

i have read the diary of anne frank 3 time, and i still find it very interesting. Not only does Anne have a great spirit she has a great personality. her diary is an inspiration to people everywhere of all ages. She gives us all an understanding of what happened during that time. Her diary is a great read and i would recommend it to anyone looking for something to read.
Vincent Huang
December 09, 2008 05:15 PM

I think that the book was really interesting to read. The book just took me into Anne's world at that time, and I am constantly amazed at the brutality of the Nazis. They tore families apart, killed millions of people, and shocked the entire world. It was really heartbreaking to learn that Otto Frank was the only survivor of the 'Secret Annexe'. It must've been awful for Mr. Frank.
Sarah B.
December 09, 2008 05:13 PM

My class just finished the story. We also watched the movie. I liked the movie way better because I could understand the story better. I, in the future, would like to read the actual book. If I had the chance to talk to Anne and tell her how interesting her story was. I think that kids all over the world should read this story or watch the movie. My class also watched another movie about Anne, but it focused more on the concentration camps than the time she spent in hiding. If I had the chance to read this story again I would.
December 09, 2008 05:13 PM

Anne frank was a thirteen year old girl. she had a very different type of life than we do. she went through many hardships. she is a bright girl. this story is a very interesting, and heart warming. when Anne was at the concentration camps she was very brave. she did not give up and suicide.this story was very well written, i learned a lot from it.jews were treated very unfairly and i am glad they are not treated like that today. i felt really bad when i watched Anne at the concentration camp. all the people including Anne are very bright people that were treated with cruel behaved people.
December 09, 2008 05:13 PM

Anne Frank was an inspiring story. I would have never been able to keep as quite and secretive as the two families, as well as Mr. Dussel. At such a young age, Anne had a wonderful talent. She is a fantastic writer, and even after all these years, her writing is still appreciated. The way she wrote out the conversations, and how she felt was simply fantastic. If Anne Frank had survived the Holocaust, then I guarantee that she would have become a well known and beautiful writer. It was a shame that such a time had occured, and anyone who had managed to go through it has a brave soul.
December 09, 2008 05:12 PM

When I first read the Diary of Anne Frank, I thought it was pretty suspenseful. Although if was cheerful and well, it had some mysterious mood to it. Anne Frank was really consistent at keeping a diary of her life. Although she was scared of the Green Police, she kept calm instead of panicking. I was sort of surprised when she felt happy at first when she entered the concentration camp. She treated it like a vacation. Unlike other people who would have lost their mind, she kept good control over her own mind. She never lost her mind to the "evil" of the Nazis and the bad leader called Hitler.
Eric Liu
December 09, 2008 05:12 PM

Our class just finished reading the Diary of Anne Frank. She keeps a journal, which keeps her memories so people can read about the holocaust and what actually really happened. I think that if people weren't so cruel and harsh, this world will be a better place. I thought this book was a very good book and also very inspiring for several reasons. First, this book actually made people think about how people were treated. Second, this book really explain the details on what really happened or facts. Why didn't all those people try to fight Nazis like as a rebellion? I hope people can also enjoy this book.
December 09, 2008 05:12 PM

Our class has just finished reading the play version of the Diary of Anne Frank. Although I didn't enjoy the play as much as the actual story, the play was more detailed in telling about the daily struggles Anne went through. Time passed very fast in the book and I would've liked it to be longer. I've also read a few other books of children's lives during the Holocaust and found it to be very interesting. Anne's story was one out of many but it was so much more popular probably because she had written such a detailed diary about her days in hiding. Reading the diary, people would have thought she flourished in hiding despite how she was trapped in the small Annex above an office. This story was very well done and I recommend it for everyone.
Erica Hsieh
December 09, 2008 05:11 PM

Reading The Diary of Anne Frank made me realize how good our lives are currently. It also makes me think about how brave the Jewish were to be able to have endured the harsh and unreal treatment that they were given. Some people may say that there was no such thing as the Holocaust, but there are so many proofs like this diary that show that the Holocaust was real.

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