Anne Frank the Writer An Unfinished Story Original Writings

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December 09, 2008 02:43 PM
I think that this book would make anyone feel sorry for the Franks, the Van Pels, Dussel and all Jews trapped in German lands in WWII. It's depressing the way they all seemed to die moments before they were liberated by allied troops. If only there were more people like Miep and Kraler then many Jew's would not have to have gone through that.
samantha E
December 09, 2008 02:42 PM
cupertino, california
Hi i am thirteen years old just like Anne Frank. To go through what she did at my age is sad and really scary. I hope that never happens to me. I think that she is brave and wonderful.
tori r.
December 09, 2008 02:42 PM
Anne Frank was a 13 year old girl born in Frankfurt, Germany. Her family: Otto Frank (her dad), Edith Frank (her mother), and Margot Frank (her older sister). Her and her family went in hiding in Amsterdam. I am also a Jewish 13 year old girl. I have heard of the story before reading it, but you can never fully understand how much pain she went through until you read the book, and even then, its hard to imagine. My grandmother in Isreal is also a Holocaust survivor. I have never asked her about her experiences, but I will now, all I know, is that all of her family perished in the Holocaust. This story was very interesting to me and made me realize how grateful I should be. If I were born in that time i would be gone to a concentration camp in a heart beat. Hopefully this story has touched you like it has me.
December 09, 2008 02:42 PM
There is no doubt the impact that Anne's story has on people's lives. Her story is like a flickering candle in the snow that is only surviving on the thread of hope. Her story is a testament to reality, and the mistakes we make as humans. But beyond all of the cruel injustice Anne faced, she was able to look beyond humanity's cruel spectre and see people as good at heart. We all should aspire to be like her, but it's just a matter of whether or not we can learn from our mistakes.
Hannah huhhhh
December 09, 2008 02:42 PM
Kennedy Middle School
I'm 13 years old, just like Anne. My class just finished reading her diary in class. I felt that she has great writing ability and it's so sad that she wasn't able to complete her dream of becoming a writer. I think reading her diary was very meaningful because Anne is actually my age and I can understand some things that she felt. My favorite character was Margot. I thought I could really relate to her because she acts the same way I do when I'm with adults or strangers. I get very shy and quiet. Usually, I'm really outgoing and hyper like Anne, but only when I'm with people I am really familiar with. It was really fun reading about Anne's family because they always had high spirits even through those tough times. Anne never lost her bubbly personality and kept everyone believing they had hope. I think that people like her are very important to have around. She is a great model for children everywhere.
Bobby D.
December 09, 2008 02:42 PM
Kennedy Middle School
I am 13 years old. The diary was a good inspiration for me.The diary was well written.The diary goes deep into details so i thought it was very good.The book sent me a message that in every bad day there is still hope.
December 09, 2008 02:41 PM
Cupertino, California
After I finished reading the play version of Anne Frank and watching the movie version, it got to me more than any other book. This story showed me the evils of the Holocaust and what jewish people had to go through. Even though all that was happening while the Franks, Van Daans, and Mr. Dussel were hiding, Anne was still able to keep up a good mood in everybody. My favorite character of the book was Mouschi of course! So, in the future I hope I will find myslef reading the real Diary of Anne Frank.
Teh Person
December 09, 2008 02:41 PM
Planet Earth
The Diary of Anne Frank really showed me how harsh the Nazis were during the holocaust. It was very sad learning that a girl that could've had such a bright future had to die a very terrible death at such a young age. I felt really sorry for all the characters from the story. The entire Van Pels family had to perish and I always wondered whatever happened to Mouschi.
Andrew N.
December 09, 2008 02:40 PM
Kennedy Middle School Cupertino CA
It is a shame that after anne went through so much hardships and suffering her story still ended tragically. This is sadder still because the war was almost over when she was found, if they had hide a little while longer she would have survived.
Amy T.
December 09, 2008 02:40 PM
Cupertino, CA
I'm an 8th grader at Kennedy Middle School and I've just finished reading Anne Frank's diary and watched the movies. I think that Anne's story was really sad because she had to go into hiding just because of the fact that she was a Jew. I don't understand the Holocaust and why people were so mean to the Jews. They are simply just people. I have to say, though, my favorite character is Mouschi and I'm curious about what happened to him. Anne is very strong, she had typhus but held on until Margot was gone. It was like she was trying to be strong for her. I feel bad for Anne, her mother was dead and Peter and Mr. Frank were separated from her, then Margot dies. I think that if Margot didn't die, Anne might have survived the Holocaust, but she had nothing to hold onto, and i think she gave up on life.
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