Anne Frank the Writer An Unfinished Story Original Writings

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Jacob H X
December 09, 2008 02:02 PM
I have read the diary of Anne Frank play in middle school, and watched two movies on the Secret Annexe and after they were captured for Language Arts class. The story was very enlightening.
That Guy agian XD lover<3<3<3
December 09, 2008 02:01 PM
Cupertino CA
We just finished reading the diary and watching the movie in school. The movie was very moving, it showed of how life was in hiding for a thirteen year old girl and the percautions they went through. It was very touching how she seemed to go through life in hiding. Although it was troublesome, she managed to bring life in the hiding place. She had a very open mind which helped her get through it all. By having an open mind she always looked on the bright side. i will forever remember this story in my heart... sob
December 09, 2008 02:01 PM
Cupertino CA
Anne Frank was wonderful. It's amazing that a diary from a girl my age from WWII survived and I can read it. The most awe-inspiring thing about that is that it's non-fiction; not a historical fiction novel. It's stuff like this-real diaries- that accurately describe human nature and ignorance as well as hope and love. Anne is one of the most honest, caring, and temperamental person. She reminds me of people I know and love, people who are both good and bad, and make mistakes. It's a pity someone like her had to be treated so evilly and die so young.
Jonathan H
December 09, 2008 02:01 PM
I thought the diary of Anne Frank was good because it shows how the legacy of Anne Frank and her courage lives on. This book shows that many people take things for granted and don't understand what being miserable is really like.

I read the play adaption of Anne Frank's diary in my 8th grade class. The book was very suspenseful and was very entertaining. The movie was even more so.
December 09, 2008 02:00 PM
Cupertino, CA
The story of Anne was truly amazing. I could not believe that someone could maintain such a positive attitude while living in such a terrible time. I am also amazed how much bravery Anne showed towards going to concentration camps. She also maintained to have so much fun while hiding. She was able to keep her spirits high and everyone else's spirits high while hiding.
Hayley C.
December 09, 2008 02:00 PM
Cupertino, CA
I have read the play of the diary of Anne Frank. She was a very interesting person with many characteristics. Underneath her mischevious attitude, she was a caring, kind person. Anne was always optimistic, and hoped for the best in life. Her diary represented her creativity and intelligence.
Veshan G.
December 09, 2008 02:00 PM
I Think that the Diary of Anne Frank is an awesome story about the world war 2 and the nazis. It is very sad on how many jewish people were killed for no reason at all. I think that I would really appreciate the diary of Anne Frank because it shows a part of the world's history, even if it is a bad one.
December 09, 2008 01:59 PM
Cupertino, California
In our class, we've actually not read the "Diary of Anne Frank" book: instead we've read the screenplay and watched the movie. The ironic thing actually, is that the whole world wouldn't know about a lot of the horrors of the Holocaust without the publication of this book,(people read the book and then go on to explore the Holocaust) and this book was only published because Anne's family were captured. So indirectly, Anne Frank actually died to raise awareness of the situation, even though she didn't mean to. Lucky world.
December 09, 2008 01:55 PM
Cupertino, CA
Anne was truly inspiring in The Diary of Anne Frank. It is amazing that a 13 year old girl could write a book so powerful as to inspire thousands of people worldwide. I want to read the other books and stories that she wrote during her time in hiding. Anne writes amazingly well.
Harry S.
December 09, 2008 01:54 PM
Cupertino, California
I am in eighth grade. I thought the it was very moving. It must have been difficult for her.
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