Anne Frank the Writer An Unfinished Story Original Writings

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December 09, 2008 12:45 PM
When I first read this book, I thought for sure that Anne would survive. I was really shocked when I found out she died. May her diary live on...
Ellen D.
December 09, 2008 12:45 PM
I read "The Diary of Anne Frank" this year in class. Since it was written like a play, I could not fully relate to Anne and personally found it a bit dull while reading it. Although it did include some excerpts from her diary which showed Anne's honest feelings and her wisdom that is beyond her years and is not easily found in someone as young as she is.

After reading the book, I have learned more about WWII and the Holocaust. It is a truly tragic event and I admire the courage and persistence of the Jews who had to be put through such a horrifying experience. It shows just how far someone's hate for a certain group can really go and the feelings of the Jews who were forced to go into hiding, fearing for their lives. It is a horrible event that should never happen again.

Anne was only a young girl during this time, but certainly had a comprehension of life that many her age did not have. She was truly honest and kind and I admire her pure and hopeful personality.
Soumya Kurnool
December 09, 2008 12:44 PM
Cupertino, CA
After reading the Diary of Anne Frank, I realized how brutal the Nazis were to the Jews. My heart truly goes out to Anne and her family, wherever they are in this universe. However, it wasn't the book that really showed me how terrible the Holocaust was; it was the movie that did. After seeing the movie, images of Bergen-Belsen filled my head. I know that I will never forget the filth and terrible conditions of the concentration camp. I also am appalled at how the Nazis were able to separate families without a single tear of sympathy. As I saw Anne being separated from her father in the movie, I was just scared. It comes back to haunt me every night...but I console myself by promising myself that no such genocide would ever happen again...but there still is that nagging doubt...Anyway, the diary was definitely a good literary piece. I loved the light humor and the annoying attitude of Mr. Dussel. However, what really bugged me was the romance between Anne and Peter. The black and white movie version of the book really stretched out this aspect of that I felt sick. Either way, I would recommend the book and the colored version of the movie to anyone who wants to learn more about the Holocaust. :D
December 09, 2008 12:44 PM
Earth, Solar System, Milky Way Galaxy, Universe
The Diary of Anne Frank was a sad book. It explains the horrible time of the Holocaust, and now I know more about it than ever.
Abigail S.
December 09, 2008 12:44 PM
Wow. The story of Anne Frank was good... but sad too. It's a little scary to think that something like that really happened. Before I read the book and saw the movie, I knew almost nothing about Anne Frank or the Holocaust. I mean, I had heard of both, but I never knew really what it was. After reading this, I feel like I can really connect with Anne on a lot of things. I don't write in a diary, but I can understand how writing was her release from what was happening around her. To me, I would have felt like my world was falling apart, those first few weeks in hiding. I don't think I would have been able to live like that for so long. I guess I take being able to talk freely and go outside and do things I want to for granted. Anne Frank was truly remarkable.
Maggie M.
December 09, 2008 12:44 PM
We just finished the diary of Anne Frank and the book itself, moved me in such a way that it motivated me to post on this website and spread the awesomeness of Anne Frank. While the idea of hiding for two years in an attic, trying to hide from the nazis is kind of boring, the amazing character development made reading the book worth while.
December 09, 2008 12:43 PM
Cupertino, CA
I really love The Dairy of Anne Frank. At our school we learned about all the Holocaust and a lot of information about the death camps. We also watched the Anne Frank movie and a video about the holocaust the Franks, Dussel, and the Van Daans went through and I was horrified by it. But our teacher said that if they had shown the whole thing about the camps, it would get a whole different rating for the video so that really made me sad that the Jews had to go though all that. After reading and watching several movies about Anne Frank and the Holocaust, I really got to love Anne Frank and I would love to learn more about Anne Frank and the Holocaust.
December 09, 2008 12:43 PM
Cupertino, California
I read this book and i thought what happened to them was terribley sad and horrifing. i saw the movie as well and it scared me of how they treated the jews. we are all the same people. God all made us the same and we are all eqeal. i thought the people were really dispicable.
Reena <3
December 09, 2008 12:43 PM
Cupertino, CA
Anne Frank's story was really inspiring to me because Anne was very patient while hiding from the Nazis. It is a terrible situation, but she was more optimistic than everyone else. I also learned more about the Holocaust, and after watching a movie about the death camp, I learned how much they all suffered. I haven't read The Diary of Anne Frank, and now I want to read it because it seems like an interesting book. I know the story, but it would be interesting to read Anne's writing. Anne Frank's story amazed me.
December 09, 2008 12:42 PM
My English class has just finished the play version of the Diary of Anne Frank, and frankly its a horrible version of a great book. In a few years, I hope that my school district will let eighth graders read the actual book, even though it's long. I have read excerpts and I think it's a fantastic story of a girl who loves to be outside, surviving in hiding. It gives a wonderful look into human nature, and the few that can defy it. It is such a shame that Anne died so young, without a chance to really explore her ability to write. The world should have had the chance to read some of her later works. I can only imagine what her novels would be like if she really had the chance to explore her own minds. The whole Holocaust was a huge waste of lives and ideas. We can only read what we have of Anne's works and just sigh over what we could've had.
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