Anne Frank the Writer An Unfinished Story Original Writings

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October 02, 2008 03:33 AM
NSW Australia
I first read the diary of Anne Frank about two or three years ago when i asked my grandmother and mother about her after seeing an article about her in a newspaper or magazine (i dont remember which one)and seeing the book on the shelves at my grandmothers place. I already knew about the Holocaust but when my Grandmother lent my that old thirty something year old edition of the Diary i had no idea of how much of an impact it has had on me. Her, Margot, Miep, Pim and the rest are inspirational. That book led to some highly commended essays and a life-long fasination of the tradgety that was the Holocaust. Anne is a highly talented author, she has truely lived on through the diary just as she wished to. Anne's diary is a beautiful and honest yet tradgic portrayal of the tradgety that was the Holocaust
brandi holguin
September 30, 2008 06:08 PM
i am 13 year old
and am really inspired by anne frank.
she is my favorite young author. all of her writings always mean something to me. although she had a tough life, i wish i would of been tehre to help her and understand the way she felt. she is the best author. i enjoy all her writing
September 30, 2008 05:50 PM
I am 12 years old and I remember reading The Diary of Anne Frank for the first time and almost started crying. I loved so much and I wanted so much for her to still be alive. She wanted so much just for the world to be happy and she would have fulfilled that dream, I think, if she was still alive. I hope that even when I am an old woman, that everyone still remembers her and everything that she said and did. I miss you Anne.
September 24, 2008 11:22 AM
Calgary AB, Canada
I think that if the people that have read about Anne Frank understand the difference that one girl has made we can all do the same amount of difference.
Cerys Barbour
September 19, 2008 03:32 PM
England (Bolton)
i am 10years old and my class is studeing anne frank i find her life sad but intresting i wish she was still alive because she would be my best friend even though she would be 79.
Florentin Riyanto
September 18, 2008 09:28 AM
Jakarta, Indonesia
I read Anne Frank's diary a year ago, and I was thrilled, stunned by how a girl like her in my own age can write such deep thoughts, and her talents in describing things were indescribable.
She's one of the greatest girl I've ever feel like I met her. May God bless her in heaven and blessed the people who have read the book.
vanya gargya
September 13, 2008 09:24 AM
I am simply in awe of Anne. I feel so sad that such a worthy life came to such a tragic end. Life is really cruel. She had so many dreams, so many aspirations, so much energy and positivity about her and......... and yet she had to face such harshness. RIP Anne Frank.
May Ann
September 12, 2008 11:59 PM
Well, even though I'm from the Philippines, I really like Anne Frank since when I was a child. Now I’m 18 and that didn’t stop me from admiring her and every time I feel sad I just think of her. Her story was a sad one but even though she lived only for a short time, she made the most of what God gave her. I can say that she is not fortunate enough to have the freedom she did so want but I think not everybody lived a meaningful life that she had. She is a few of those persons who deserves more in life but was deprived of it. Even the war didn’t stop her to be who she is and through her book (diary) many people are inspired live their life to the fullest. I think I was 13 when I read that book but I read it again and again. She wrote of wisdom at that young age and she has the sincerity and believes in goodness most of the time. She’s definitely one of a kind.
Joyce Baer
September 09, 2008 08:50 PM
I read this wonderful book in the 5th grade in Wolf Point, Montana. Since then I have had a strong love for the Jewish people. I often wonder what Anne could have contributed to the world had she lived. It amazes me the amount of hatred in a persons heart to kill so many innocent people. How could anyone look in Anne's eyes and hate her?
Only the devil incarnate...Hitler.
Danielle Moneyhun
September 08, 2008 09:26 AM
East Tennessee, USA
I read Anne Frank's Diary several years ago, and it was the only book that I ever found interesting enough at my age to read. Anne was so wise beyond her years. I watched "Anne Frank:The Whole Story" yesterday for the first time, and it really broke my heart what they all had to go through. Anne's story really touches me. It's a shame that such a beautiful, talented young lady had to die in such conditions. Only God knows what she could have accomplished if she had lived on.

I love this website. Thank you so much for all those who put it together. May the memory of Anne Frank live on forever.
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