Anne Frank the Writer An Unfinished Story Original Writings

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April 24, 2008 07:58 PM
Anne Frank is one of the most amazing people ever, were watching the movie in school,and its absolutly amazing
April 24, 2008 06:15 PM
i think that anne has inspired many people and that more and more maybe anybody in europe could find anything that belonged to her. For me I think it was tough living in hiding during the holocaust and i hope nothing like that will happen again. I hope!
Dianne Foster
April 24, 2008 12:58 PM
One of the speakers at this site speaks of Anne's having been cut off from nature, but that she was profoundly spiritual because she intuited it. I wonder if this writer has actually been to the house in Amsterdam as I have.

I do not know if there were curtains over the window that overlooks the courtyard. Most of the time, there probably were. But consider that Dutch people have a beautiful sky with shifting clouds, and that there was a big tree in this courtyard which would have hosted birds. Consider also that summer days are very long in the latitude of Amsterdam. You have a curious girl who would have sneaked her peeks of this sort of thing. While she could not stroll in her garden as someone like Emily Dickinson did in hers (though she never went farther), this was a young, growing girl, a writer, and she would perhaps have been drawn to the transgression of looking.

I have to address those skeptics (who have plenty of examples of false memoirs) who disbelieve a young girl could write so well. Unfortunately, they must not have been brought up in the "haute bourgeoisie" or near "haute". This child went to Montessori school, she owned her own creativity early. She was put into circumstances that shocked her into an early maturity (why am I thinking about a carefully tended flower - perhaps because it makes me think of Holland's fields and hothouses). I am in a neighborhood full of near prodigies. It's part of the culture she came from, which most middle class Americans understandably would find foreign. I remember a second grade teacher in California showing us the neat workbooks of an English girl who had joined our classroom (it only made her popular with me!) My husband's workbooks from Austria are also very fine. But what is tremendous about Anne is her talent, combined with the work habits she was taught. She would have made a formidable writer or even an actress. I always see a little of Audrey Hepburn in her.
Tiffany Gardner
April 24, 2008 01:41 AM
I remeber reading the Diary of Anne Frank as a middle school student. The story touched me and made appreciate being able to have been introduced to it. I love the story so much that when I became a teacher I shared the story with my middle school students and they fell in love with the story of Anne Frank so much that I had to buy 15 copies for their own personal book collection:)
April 23, 2008 02:40 PM
I have read this book and watche the two videos the older one and the newer one we are just now starting on the book we u can thank my reading teacher for shareing her pieces of information her movies her books to the class now i no that my German side of my family could have been a terible Nazi i shurely hope not i could never do sutch things to a human being!!!! I love learning more about Anne and her diary if Anne was still alive I really REALLY want to say thank u instead sents she is not here i look to the stars and say thanks so thanks Anne thanks for everything. Sincerly, Bryanna
April 23, 2008 02:38 PM
i have this in my reading class. it is really sad and i wish it had never happend. i have also seen 2 of the movies there are the same thing but one has more.....Anne you are soo amazing! your are very intelegent yet childish just like me ^_^. this shouldn't have happened to you.
Lesly G.
April 23, 2008 01:31 PM
I love the way how Anne wrote her diaries.
Its nice to know how she felt and how she llived.
Anne writes like a mature women not a 13 year old girl.
She has a way to express herself.
I though that the video was really amazing i loved how she put the pictures on the wall and how she felt about hiding.
Anne is a inspired by her kitty(her diary).She loves to write in her Kitty.
I saw how she felt how she couldn't do anything where she lived.
Jews had to stay indoors at 8 oclock.
That was so wrong what thy did not only to her but to every other Jew.
All i want to say is that Anne is a brave girl.``)
April 23, 2008 12:22 PM
I think Anne Frank really expresed her feeling in her diary.She is smart for a thirteen yaer older.
kailan parker
April 23, 2008 12:22 PM
i think that her diary was good and very intelligent for her age.
mario enoch 12
April 23, 2008 10:39 AM
Anne Frank,
I really love your diary.It was really Inspiring.Your book really was nice.One day i will write a story like yours.
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