Anne Frank the Writer An Unfinished Story Original Writings

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April 01, 2008 06:40 AM
I have no word to express my amazement.Her writing style,knolwedge,self-concept,philosophy are all unthinkable from a 14 years old young girl.One thing i can here i have learned a lot from Anne Frank than anyother book except the Holy Blble.
When i read the last 10 pages ,tears fill my eays.I have spent a unique time by prayer.May the God of mercy give her eternal life and Joy.
lisa martain
March 31, 2008 10:08 PM
Anne Frank is an amazing person.In my english class we just started reading the diary of anne first i admit i was not happy about that decision.but now i am totally excited.she was a girl about my age and i realize she is stronger then i could ever be.she hid longer then i could two years. now i am waiting to read the inspired by her bravery as i am 15 about her age. she is a role model.
Gina Wong
March 31, 2008 07:56 PM
i have read the diary of anne frank.but i have never read about any other writings that she has really interested me.and sadend me.i will never know why hitler did what he did.other then he was a cruel man.who had no rights.or by that no marals.anne frank was a strog gifted young woman who left a clue of her brilliance.i love her stoy.maybe it was hitlers self perception that scared him.god bless.anne i love your bravery.
March 31, 2008 05:59 PM
just recently I read the story or anne frank. It really inspired me to learn more about what had happend. i even cried. i feel what happened was wrong and cruel. im in peace
March 31, 2008 10:13 AM
I just finished reading the book last nite, I cannot describe how I feel now, It's sad to know that all this events were true, that people suffered for years, that kids were murdered along with their parents, that people were forced to hide for sooo long. I knew what was going to happen at the end, but somehow I wanted to read a different end. I wanted to read that they all survived, that Anne could finally enjoy the freedom, that she could finally could enjoy the fresh air and a good meal....
We should never forget what happened, the horror, the cruelty, and do whatever it takes for this to NEVER happen again. Freedom is the most beautiful gift, being able to laugh, to love, to have a normal life is a real blessing.
Rest in Peace Anne, and thanks for leave this legacy to new generations.
Anna, age 14- MA
March 30, 2008 06:25 PM
"The Diary of Anne Frank" has touched so many people's hearts, including mine. She was so younge and hopeful; I only wish that she could have had the chance to make all of her dreams come true. Anne Frank did make one of her dreams come true though, "I want to go on living even after my death" She's been living in our hearts ever since.
Anna, age 14- MA
March 30, 2008 06:25 PM
"The Diary of Anne Frank" has touched so many people's hearts, including mine. She was so younge and hopeful; I only wish that she could have had the chance to make all of her dreams come true. Anne Frank did make one of her dreams come true though, "I want to go on living even after my death" She's been living in our hearts ever since.
hailey guns
March 28, 2008 01:57 PM
i thought the book was amazing! it inspired me to do a lot more!
It was emotional for me. but i injoyed it a lot. so did my teacher. he recomended it for me. i am so happy he did! :)
Angie Giuliano
March 25, 2008 03:39 PM
Anne is amazing and is such an ispration to me in life and in all I do. Her wisdom and love of peace certanily could have been of great use in the world today. If everyone had a little piece of Anne within them, we would be in a much better state. Godbless and thank you to everyone who has listened to and believes in Anne's message. R.I.P. Anne.
March 20, 2008 12:25 PM
I think it is very inspirational how Anne kept beleiving that people COULD be kind to each other, people COULD treat others equally. Anne Frank beleived and her dreams never came true.
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