Anne Frank the Writer An Unfinished Story Original Writings

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February 29, 2008 11:55 AM
When I first read the story about Anne Frank I just thought that she was a normal girl that was jewish and she was hiding from the nazis so she didnt have to go to concentration camps. Then i went to this web site and i saw how she enjoyed her writings and she was very sensitive for everybody in the world
February 29, 2008 11:43 AM
The first time I read Anne Frank was this year, in 8th grade when we read it together as a class. I enjoyed reading it and discovering how she felt during her experience in hiding. I really think all of us, as a class learned a lot from it and had some fun reading it too.
Chandler Reed
February 29, 2008 11:43 AM
I think Anne is a brilliant writer. She says what she wants to say, and her words are so powerful. It's unfortunate that Anne had such a short life, because she made such a difference in the world just within a sixteen-year-old life.
February 29, 2008 11:37 AM
The first time I read Anne Franks diary was in the 8th grade. Our class just finished reading the play. It was a fun way of learning about Anne, and a good way to get to know her through her diary. The best part was feeling what Anne felt. This was a good way to learn about Anne.
February 29, 2008 11:34 AM
The information in this website really suprised me. Especially when it came to Anne talking of her sister, Margot. In the book she seemed as if she truely dispised her sister... but in the entries on this website... it was almost as if it was more admiration than anything. The website definately changed my view of Anne as well. When I read her book, I really thought that she was just an immature kid who was full of complaints, who was unable to comprehend things and just plainly didn't care. But after going through this site... it made me realize she was just a confused normal girl who didnt understand why people had to fight and not get along and had her own view of how she thought things should be. She was just expressing herself by being "rebellious." Reading this site really gave me a different perspective of things.
February 29, 2008 11:31 AM
The first time I read the Diary of Anne Frank was February 4 2008. After reading the information on this Web site, the thing that surprised me the most was how optimistic Anne was. I would be scared and thinking about all the bad things that could happen, but thats not how Anne thought. I really admire that.
February 29, 2008 10:45 AM
Anne Frank?s diary, to me is a story of her strength. The book just goes to show how struggles in life can have some sort of good outcome. It is really inspiring, how she worked for survival, but then it was pulled from her. This book is one of a kind to me, a really good book that can change lives.
February 29, 2008 10:41 AM
These stories were meaningful to me. I had no idea that her stories/ journal entries were so descpripitve.
I have always though that racism was cruel and horible but trying to eliminate an entire race because of religion is beyon racism, it's sick and insane. I don't think that Anne comprehended what exactly the Nazi were doing.
February 29, 2008 10:39 AM
I thought that whole Anne Frank lessons and writings that we did and read were very interesting. I really enjoyed reading,writing, and lerarning about Anne Frank and all that went on when she was alive and in hiding. I definitley thought they were very good lessons and I'm so glad that we studied them.
February 29, 2008 10:39 AM
When I first read The Diary of Anne Frank in my english class I loved it. It made me think because I have never had to be in those circumstances. Anne had a good way of getting her feelings out. It made me think I need to appriciate what I have and I need to fix my outlook on things because I have alot to be thankful for.
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