Anne Frank the Writer An Unfinished Story Original Writings

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December 31, 2004 10:29 AM
The first time I've heard of Anne Frank was during my last highschool years. My English Teacher had this project for us-that is a stage play. And guess what, our group was assigned to act THE DIARY OF ANNE FRANK..I remembered it vividly..My role was Peter Van Daan..I became in love w/ the story..became much curious about the life of anne..and then decided to..Buy a book..and i did..I've read such a wonderful, amusing book..and I came to love it more and more each day..I even have Anne's articles with me. I've searched the net for her pictures and longing to see the adapted movie of the Het Achterchius and now what I've been doing is looking to her again as a brave young woman in which as Ernst Schnabel wrote: "a voice no louder than whispers of a child has outlasted the shouts.." Her diary is my favorite book and my memoir of her brave soul. In every book reports and book reviews I do, I make sure that I reviewed first on hand her diary. Im smiling with sheer joy for I have come across with such curiosity to read her book of wit and intelligence as well as humor. Everyone can relate to it. It's roughly a social and political book yet it wonders bound to the muses and feelings of a young girl to the "Unbossomings of an ugly duckling" to the endless words spoken by the heart...I recommend everyone to read this book as a zeal of the past war, the present, and the future.
December 30, 2004 03:34 PM
For christmas i wanted the diary of Anne Frank and I got it! I cant stop reading it! I think its wrong that germans would do such a thing to the jewish! Well I think you can accomplish anything if you try hard enough! I am glad Otto edited the diary! Happy new years!!!!!
December 29, 2004 09:14 PM
I just read the diary of Anne Frank and i think it was splendidly written. She is very mature and she survived life in hiding way better than i would have. Reading the diary really makes you think how good your own life is and how its wrong to complain about anything when you realize what Anne and her family went through.
December 28, 2004 07:45 PM
I just read the best novel in my life Anne Franks wonderful diary. i thought it was inspiring to all of us. it told us that no matter what you are going through you can still accomplish your dream like Anne Frank.
Kenn NYC
December 25, 2004 07:11 PM
I am spending today, Christmas reading Anne Frank's incredible Diary, and I want to take this moment to thank the incredible Miep Gies for all she has done in her life. From helping Anne, and the others in the Annexe, to saving Anne's writings, at the risk of her own life, she deserves all of our thanks, and admiration. Thank you, and Merry Christmas, Miep, and Anne. You will live forever.
December 25, 2004 12:27 AM
I am amazed by this young girl's imagination and maturity... I read her biography and diary, I also watched " Anne Frank Remembered".. I wish i could meet her som day in heaven, i really do.. i wish she were still alive. This website is absolutely amazing and anne frank will always be in my heart. Jewish people are people... and all people are equal as she said in her essay. Hitler was a coward who was afraid of himself and who disliked jews.. Why did they have to suffer so badly, why did anne have to die? I hope that someday , people all around the world will realize what an influence this yound lady had on the world's history..
Khadija G.
December 24, 2004 12:52 PM
Anne Frank was a wonder.She was and still is truly inspirational to people all over the world. she went through dilemmas that she shared with us and she made us fell what she felt. I cannot imagine being in hiding for 2 years afraid that you could be killed the next day. But Anne still mananged to share with us everythign that she went through, her thoughts, her feelings. She had a talent for writing and her life was so cruelly ended at such a tender age. It really makes us think that what are world was at that time. Anne Frank and her life cannot be described in words. She was ammazingly talented and brave and she is still with us today and most probably always will be.
December 23, 2004 01:02 PM
Anne Frank gave the world a new path to understand the true meaning of passion and love. She wanted people to understand how hard it was to live in a place where there is no freedom and peace. Third,Anne Frank was very talented and creative of making interesting stories even relates to our daily lives. Because compassion and bond that she applied with her family and other people including the poor ones, she remind us that it's better to give and help others rather than being selfish and rich. Her Diary gave the voice for many victims and survivors of the holocaust. It also remind all the people of the world that this nigtmarish event shouldn't be happen again. I remembered that we read the Diary of Anne Frank in 8th grade, it changed my viewpoints and thoughts about WWII. It's really difficult and emotional for losing your family,friends and love ones. In conclusion, Anne Frank have finally proven that passion,sacrifice,love,faith and trust were triumphed over hatred,evil,cruelty,despair and selfishness. She really care about others including her beloved family and friends. Her diary changed our lives forever. I hope someday we would have an oppurtunity to visit the Holocaust museum in order to learn more and pay our respects for the victims including Anne Frank and her love ones who lost their lives in the concentration camps during the Holocaust. God's justice would payed give eternal punishment those who committed crimes,genocide and great evil.While comfort and safe those who sacrificed and showed passion for their love ones and to others.
December 23, 2004 09:44 AM
I think that Anne Frank's Diary is touching and sad, escpisally when your reach the words that say ANNE'S DIARY ENDS HERE. When you read the book you feel like your plunging into the pages and that your actually thaere. You feel like Anne's world is yours and you feel so sad that an inccoent girl was killed because of something that no one can judge.
The Allies
December 22, 2004 10:13 AM
First of all, the Diary of Anne Frank was one of the unforgetable stories ever published in this world. It's very emotional and spiritual. At her diary,Anne Frank wanted the world to understand how hard it was to live without freedom and hope.Inconclusion,I believe that she helped most of us learn the truth about the Holocaust and suffrage of the Jewish people during WWII. In addition, Anne Frank's diary gave me inspiration and it remind me of never giving up on fullfilling my dreams. She tried passion and love over hatred and despair. Over all, Anne Frank and her faithful diary were simply one of the best and would always be remembered in the world.Also it remind all of us that terrible madness like the Holocaust or Final Solution should not be allowed to happen again.
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