Anne Frank the Writer An Unfinished Story Original Writings

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November 30, 2004 09:28 PM
i watched the movie when i was 13 and shortly after read the book, both were outstanding, and every couple of weeks i get the movie out again, the brilliance of a 13 year olds life is great. i am german so it means alot to me, especially the fact that my oma lies down the road from anne franks memorial sight. I LOVE ANNE FRANK AND HER WRITINGS!!!!
Mykeshia Kimble
November 30, 2004 12:31 PM
The book shows what it was like during the war .I think it is a great book for kids like me to understand history! All kids of every age group should read this to learn what and why things happen duirng the war and after.
November 27, 2004 07:30 PM
I am 14 years old and 3 weeks ago my english teacher gave us the book Anne Frank The Diary of a Young Girl. I have not finished yet but I was captured from the biginning. I could not wait till the end and I started looking for information on Anne's life after the Sectret Annexe. I can't stop crayng when I read about her life and what she wannted to be but never could be. When I was looking in this website I found the essay she wrote "Give" I think it is amazing, I will show it to my teacher on my next literature class. Anne Frank is my heroe.
November 23, 2004 09:47 AM
The first time i read the book I was 11 years old. Actually it is to young to read the book but I was already in classe 7 so I though I could try.
It was the best book I have ever read. I never read one book like this before or after. It touched my heart my soul and all of me. Sometimes I began to cry because I thought it was to much for me.
Now I am not long 14 years old and I read Anne Franks Diary 6 times.
I made also an report about in school. And everybody loved my report. I think Anne Frank was one of the bravest girls I ever knew.
Next school year I will go to her house in Amsterdam with my class. And I am exited about it. I think I will cry but I will be okay. The website is a very good one. Love Tammy
November 23, 2004 12:46 AM
The first time I read Anne Frank's diary, I felt some sort of powerful connection to her that I simply cannot describe! Her diary has given me inspiration, and it is by far the best book I have ever read. I think her death was one of the worst human tragedies to ever occur. I also think that if everyone took a little bit of her advice and wisdom every day, the world would be a better place. Even though she was only 13 when she wrote her diary, her amount of wisdom is incredible, and I can relate to so many things that she went through. Her name shines a light everytime it's spoken. Thank you for giving the world hope, Anne.
Marta Martinez-Cancio
November 18, 2004 12:09 PM
I am currently teaching a unit on the Holocaust to my eighth grade students, and came upon this website which I had not seen before in my research. My students are about the age Ann was...when they heard the reading of the essay "Give" there was not a sound in my room of thirty-three. It was as if they understood something about her writing that only young people that age can really understand, as if they had an instant communion and comeraderie with Ann herself.
Emily Skov-Nielsen
November 12, 2004 04:14 PM
Anne Frank's diary touched me in a way that I simply can't describe, just how much I admire and respect her. Her work has been the one true inspiration in my life. Because of her diary I believe i am a changed person in so many ways. She showed me the way to live, to be optimistic and thankful for every moment of your life. The feelings I experienced while reading her diary are indescribable, and the connection i felt with her and her writings were so strong. Sometimes i simply broke out in laghter while reading some of her diary entries, other times I would simply cry, mostly because I felt i could relate to most of all of her thoughts,hopes,dreams, and feelings. She has truly become a part of my being and there is always a little space in my heart for the young girl who made such a strong impact on not only my life, but our entire society, and for that I thank her, Anne Frank.
Katelyn Marie
November 10, 2004 10:41 AM
I was inspired to read The Diary of Anne Frank from my English teacher who has a beautiful respect and interest in the Holocaust. She and I discussed this book and we both agree that it is a timeless classic. I'm fourteen, and as I am discovering my own identity, reading about Anne's brings about new ideas and a new admiration of such a magnificent writer. My appreciation and love for this book is tremendous and cannot even be put into words. You have to admire Anne for who she was and who she is.
November 09, 2004 06:30 PM
Thank God for Anne Frank. A diary like this can treach us so many lessons. Knowing that a fourteen year old can still see the good in people who are killing those around you is amazing. I'm also fourteen. I'll be acting as Anne in a play soon, and I've been reading her diary to try and get into her head. Once I'm in her head the world turns into bright colours and good times. Never would you expect a diary from the holocaust haveing such a wonderful spirit.
Geoff Godfrey
November 05, 2004 05:21 AM
The significance of Anne's diary is enormous. From start to tragic finish, Anne?s diary leads the reader through the development of a young writer. You see her progress as if watching the water cut a canyon from a riverbed. Her diary also shows the great capacity of the human spirit. With each entry, Anne demonstrates with elegance the differing facets of the human psyche; from the jealous and spiteful to generous and caring. Above all, I believe the story of Anne Frank is just one small example of the grave loss that this world has suffered at the hand of violence, hatred, and bigotry. Let her life and death stand as a lesson to all of humanity.
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