Anne Frank the Writer An Unfinished Story Original Writings

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November 02, 2004 04:11 PM
TO think that Anne could write with such inspiring words amazed me. Thoughout the book I was in Awe. It was scary to think about what Anne had to go though. Her tale makes me think about all the things we take advanteg of every day.I am very gratful for things i use to take no notice of. Flowers,the sky,my home, And most of all freedom.
Samantha Coelho
October 31, 2004 01:59 AM
I read Anne Frank's diary and it just surprised me that this girl was just 13 when she started writing in this diary. I also loved the quotes she says and this is my favorite quote:"It's a wonder I haven't abandoned all my ideals,they seem so absurd and impractical. Yet I cling to them because I still believe,in spite of everything, that people are truly good at heart." -Anne Frank... That qoute moved me and taught me if everyone was like Anne Frank you would forgive eachother and not be a hater. Anne Franks diary interested me so much I am doing my term paper on her for seventh grade. Our Term papers have to be about a hero or heroine. Anne Frank is my heroine for what she had to endure.
October 29, 2004 12:32 PM
I finished Anne's diary last night. I'm thirteen, and it deeply moved me, it really did. Reading the afterword was awful because by that time I felt like I knew the people that were hiding in the Secret Annex. I don't think I'll ever forget this book, for I've found a bit of Anne in myself.
October 27, 2004 06:08 PM
I am now reading the Diary of a Young Girl for the second time now - and its still as compelling as the first. Being a 16 year old girl and reading such a honest and passionate account of a terrible time gives me so much inspiration and showed me a whole new perspective in life.
October 27, 2004 04:47 PM
I am simply in awe with the work of Anne Frank. Being a teenager is hard enough, and she had to live through it under unbearable circumstances. I admire her so much; what she went through is the one of the worst things that someone could go through; he wonderful life was cut short by the hate and unbelievable actions of human beings. However, her wish to be live on after her death came true. I will never forget her or her story!
Adina Wolf
October 27, 2004 03:24 PM
I am reading Anne Frank's diary. What I can't believe is that these words were written by a teenage girl. It is not only what she endured, but her ability to express it in a way that anybody of any age can understand. She was a wonderful human being. To be able to say, under those circumstances, that people are basically good is proof that we can choose our reactions, whatever the situation.

One thing I've seen written about information regarding the Holocaust is that it may not be suitable for children to view. However, countless babies, children, and teenagers perished as a result of this savage disregard for life and for that matter, for death. It, therefore, doesn't make sense to say that children are too young to know about this. True, talking about the Holocaust to children is different from talking about it to adults, but we need to know about this if we are to prevent hate crimes and genocide in the future. We have to learn this early on; therefore, children are not too young to know about it. Anne Frank's diary, since it was not written by an adult, is what makes knowledge of the Holocaust available to children, and shows us that it is everyone's business.
October 27, 2004 12:22 AM
we had to read the book with year 7 english. it was kinda scary to think that Anne was only the same age as me when she had to go into hiding and grow up so quick. like, one day she had a 13 year olds brain in a thirteen year olds body, and the next day, she had to become an adult. i didn't enjoy the book. but it was very moving.
October 16, 2004 05:10 PM
I never used to be interested in Anne, or anything to do with history for that matter. I remember my grandmother borrowing me Anne's diary a few years ago but I never bothered to read it, despite her pleas that I should. Now, years later, I came across Anne's diary again, having completely forgotten about my grandmother's constant pestering that I should open it up and see what's inside. I still didn't want to read it, but with gran, with her excellent memory, reminding me that she'd once let me have her copy to read and that I never did, told me I should take the chance and read it now. So I did, and I must say I wasn't disappointed! I knew nothing about Anne beforehand, I simply wrote the book off as boring and worthless, because back then I had better things on my mind - like TV. I have to say that I honestly cried when I read the afterword - how Anne and her family were discovered and deported. How her mother died, how Margot died, how Anne died. It cut me up terribly and I began to research into Anne's life as much as I could, and now I'm hooked. Plus, I've taken history as one of my options at school! Anne's diary has taught me that you should never judge a person because of their religion, skin colour, etc. The unhopeful souls would say that the world will never be free from racism and prejudice and the sad thing is that they are probably right. But maybe we all need to just try that little bit harder; nothing like this should ever happen again. I will always carry my rememberance and respect for Anne Frank around in my heart.
October 14, 2004 08:22 PM
Anne Frank's diary is what inspired me to want to write, to keep a record of my life, although mine does not compare to Anne's. Still, writing is good for the soul, good for the spirit, and all the hate in the world cannot take that away from anyone. Anne Frank is alive in the words she left us all those years ago, and what words they were from such a young child! I believe she is someplace wonderful now, someplace in the hereafter taking care of other children. There is no pain, there are no tears and all bad memories have been erased. I have to believe that. Believing that helps me to forget what a cruel world it has been for so many less fortunate than myself. "The Diary of Anne Frank" should be on everyone's top ten reading list. She is not forgotten, not now, not ever.
Debra Rose Giannini
October 14, 2004 08:06 PM
I read Anne's work in high school honors english class and saw the hollywood film. Where I live in Portland, Oregon, a traveling exhibition first gave me the idea of traveling to the Frank House and my first visit to the house in Amsterdam has filled me with a passion to know more about her life and circumstances, to find ways to explore her young, brilliant mind. Your project is an awesome accomplishment to this process, and I thank you for the experience.

I was surprised to find that, of all the museums I've toured in the world, to have been so overcome with emotion in Amsterdam. I beleive it was especially the actual diary displayed, and the evident on-going mission being accomplished in the space next door. This has left me with great hope for the world at a time when I am bewildered and sad for the state of things and the inhumanity that stillexists. My quest is now to find ways to contribute to and nurture the legacy of Anne Frank.
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