Anne Frank the Writer An Unfinished Story Original Writings

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October 12, 2004 02:16 PM
I have never read Anne franks diary. i hav heard a lot about it though.After i came across some of Anne's thought,her descriptions on life back then (through this website).. the way i live seems almost a terrible sin. to think tht i could do so much to make this world a better place and i never even considered the idea. i am defenitely going to read the book and make it a point to leave this world at least a little better place than how i found. even though anne died without ever knowing if she was a good writer or not,if a time of peace and equality ever came or not ..... i know tht her soul in heaven would rejoice, coz she had done the best she could. thank you anne,you have lit a flame tht i hope would burn bright during the darkest of times.
October 10, 2004 05:49 PM
Everyone once in their life should read her diary. I must say it changed me alot. Anne is now my role model. I'm sure Anne would be so proud to see how many people she has inspired. But if you read her diary, you wonder why? Why can someone be so cruel? Thanks to Anne many people can see how cruel people can be and maybe it will change their minds about many things and their actions. I am so pleased to see so many people came on this website to say a good word about Anne. This goes to show Anne is a very powerful person. I'm glad this website is on the net!
October 09, 2004 04:32 PM
Icame across this from the daily news today. i read the book when i was in 9th grade. i've long graduated high school and college and nothing compares to the words written by Anne Frank. Her words were and are profoundly beyond all of us. Refreshing myself with what she went through reminds me that my problems are so minute. Here a young girl yearns to be free and live in a world without hate and selflessness. One would think 60 years later the world would be a little closer her dreams. Instead we have let her down. We are no closer now and i don't believe we will be any closer anytime soon. Thank You Anne Frank for letting us all in to your world and profound words. I only hope one day we can make your dream and the dreams of many come true.
October 06, 2004 03:49 PM
I am only 1/3 of the way through her diary, but i thought that the book was pretty moving. What I saw here told more about the Holocaust and what it was like. It also gave me more of an idea of what Anne was really like.
October 06, 2004 06:21 AM
the diary of anne frank was the greatest book i've ver read. my friend is the first person who "introduce" to anne frank, the first time i read her diary i can't stop. in a couple of weeks i will have to submit an essay for my english test so that i can graduate that class, ichoose to talk about anne frank's diary which is really inspiring. i like talking about anne frank very much but none of my friends at english barely knew her name.
Stephanie Cates
October 05, 2004 03:12 PM
This web site is absolutely amazing. I am a student at Webster University in St. Louis, and I needed info. about the Holocaust, and I stumbled upon this site, an accident that turned into a wonderful visit. The photos and the interviews just give an inside and personal depth of this remarkable girl. I am sure she would have been proud to know that her thoughts have inspired many, and even today. Thank you.
Tejaswini Turaga
October 02, 2004 12:52 PM
this web page really gives an inside story of Anne Frank whom we also call as the girl who lived.i am working on my english project which is based on Anne Frank.i decicided to work on her the diary because i want every person in my university to know this young author who just didnt see any limelight in her life but is known to many people and has touched the lives of many.she bring out the bads face if discrimination in a very different way.her voice was just an whispher which reached to the corners of the world........
Sydney Johnston
September 28, 2004 04:06 PM
What a amazing site for people of all ages to learn about not only Anne Frank, but of how it was like for some people during the Holocaust. Anne Frank is a brave, joyful person and through all the hard times she still seemed to find a positive side of life. Thanks you so much for writing such a worderful informational site that everyone can benifit from. Thank You!
September 27, 2004 05:53 PM
I read Anne Frank's diary in school. She was a brave young woman. She has inspired many people, including me. Her being so free spirted in such a stressful time shows us how great she was. I hope people continue to read her diary and learn the lessons she has to teach us. I hope no war will come to the world like that again. Thank you for sharing this info about Anne Frank.
Jennifer Wylie
September 18, 2004 03:42 PM
Thank you for creating this amazing web page - the information is so powerful and moving that I can't wait to share it with my students that I teach in my English classes. Thank you for doing this.
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