Anne Frank the Writer An Unfinished Story Original Writings

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Olivia Henderson
September 15, 2004 09:03 PM
She was an amazing person. One of the bravest women in history. Very few people could go through what she did and come out a famous writer known world wide. Her memory lives on, even after her death
September 07, 2004 04:18 AM
Anne Frank has really taken a place in my heart. I believe that she should never have suffered what she went through as she seemed like a wonderful person that the world really needed to keep.
At least her dreams have been fulfilled as becoming a writer and she is now a famous author around the world and i am sure she will be happy with that.
It is terrible what she went through and the conditions she had to live in, and lets hope something like a world war will never happen again.
September 04, 2004 04:19 PM
los aliados sabian de la existencia de los campos de exterminio y de lo que hacian los alemanes y aun asi, NO bombardearon ni las vias de los trenes ni las instalaciones, si las hubieran bombardeado, tal vez hubieran muerto menos, tal vez ana no hubiera muerto, en ese caso, tal vez, no conoceriamos su diario. En lo personal hubiera preferido que ana viviera aunque nunca hubiera leido su diario. SHAME ON THE ALL ALLIES !!!
September 02, 2004 01:59 PM
the diary shows how she felt at the time and it shares her emotions with us. you should put some more info about her on the website i think the people like me in the same age group as her would not be able to live like that she must of gone through so much stress and she told everything to her dear kitty.
August 29, 2004 11:40 AM
Anne Frank is a wonderful girl. I have read her diary and want to visit her house ever so badly. She was so bright and amazing. This site is wonderful! My favorite phrase from her is "I want to go on living even after my death."
August 28, 2004 05:35 AM
It's hard to think how cold and how cruel human beings can be. It is sad because what could of Anne Frank have become with such gift of writing and passion for life. Her diary will live on and hopefully generations will learn from it.
Suneet Agera
August 25, 2004 08:33 AM
I have not yet read the Diary of Anne Frank even though I had heard a lot about it. But 2 days back, on a visit to Amsterdam, I visited the Anne Frank house. And my outlook to life has changed. I can?t believe that brutes like the Nazis could exist and make the lives of millions of "Anne Franks" a living death. Seeing the tree which was the only thing that Anne could see in the outside world was the most touching and moving emotion I have ever experienced. As I was walking through the museum I felt that I had missed something by not reading her diary. And now I shall read it. That a girl so young and innocent had to experience the horrors of war, injustice and dicrimination due to creed, is a shame on mankind.
August 11, 2004 04:59 PM
Thank you so much for putting this site together. How moving and amazing Anne Frank was! I am grateful that her writings have survived and that they are available to people around the world. She possessed wisdom and insight beyond her years; we can all learn so much from the life of this amazing young woman. Thanks again for creating this resource.
July 25, 2004 02:02 AM
Anne Frank was so much more than a little girl...she is a legend. She is the voice of every child in everyone. I have been reading her history for weeks now and find myself in the detailed descriptions of her personality. When I notice this, I smile. I am devastated that such a young, intelligent, and talented girl had to lose her life. It makes me yearn, however, to find the strength in others her age and pass on her wisdom to them and to myself.
July 19, 2004 10:05 AM
Anne Frank is my personal IDOL. "Anne Franks" were wiped from the face of the planet during the holocaust? She went through so much at my age, it amazes me. i read the diary i remember how lucky i am for the freedom i my language arts class we are studying the holocaust and we read anne franks diary i really enjoy her story and just wish she had lived to continue her diary.....Her message to all of us is as relevant to today as it was then. The irony of this exhibit being held at the same time as the one downstairs on banned book burnings is unmistakable. Her diary would definitely have been at the top of the list of books to be banned. I just hope one day everyone learns lssons of tolerance and peace. Like Anne, we can always hope.
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