Anne Frank the Writer An Unfinished Story Original Writings

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June 02, 2004 03:04 PM
Anne.. I think she described her time in the Annexe vividly, and makes you realise that others live in much worse situations than you yourself. She shows us that you should be happy for what you've got, and to think yourself lucky. Anne, I think also wanted to lift spirits, make people hope instead of doubt. She has taught me many lessons, and more lessons to others as well. Anne is a special person to us all, and always will be. If it wasn't for Anne, maybe we'd all be moaning and complaining about things that shouldn't make us unhappy at all. Now we know to think what others are going through.
May 29, 2004 07:46 PM
ann was a great writer and being a young girl myself struggling with writing i find stangth in knowing that there is some one out there that i can look to and see how wrtiting canged her and many other's lives every day i thank ann for giving me the love and passion to write
maria m.
May 26, 2004 11:52 AM
I read this diary in the year of 2004.I really liked it because it encouraged me to start writing better.
May 25, 2004 08:28 PM
One thing that Anne said that really struck me was about how she was "two Annes," one who everyone else saw and the one she really was. I think everyone feels like this at one time or another, but sometimes we sort of have, like a crisis of faith, a "crisis of self." It's amazing to me how she is able to define exactly how she felt, which is more often than not the same way I feel. Her diary has not only been a wonderful read, but a way for me to reevaluate what is important to me. It almost scares me, how similar we are, and the way it seems like she is writing directly to me. Sometimes I see myself as "Kitty," others as Anne herself. In both views, whatI have realized is that, yes, another Holocaust could happen. If such a universal young woman- someone who is all of us, who feels like a friend- someone who is so normal- really, then, it could happen to anyone. If a girl with such incredible hope could be so brutally murdered, then so could I. That is why Anne is so important- this should NEVER happen again.
May 25, 2004 07:30 PM
I can't belive the film footage of Anne was the only known one in the world! She came so alive in that little clip, I wish I could have been there with her.
May 23, 2004 04:25 PM
I'd just like to say that when I read Anne's diary my problems seemed to fade away . Because she had to go through so much more than me!
I think that Annes diary has made me realise that you only live once and you may as well make the most of it Anne didn't know what would happen to her life but she got on with it any way and I think that its a very valuble lesson wich we can all learn from!
Stephanie Ramirez
May 23, 2004 10:15 AM
Anne was one of those people who would be known by all as more than just some girl from the Holucaust but as a girl who trusted and confided in something even if it was an object such as her diary which held her inner most thoughts and all the feelings and hidden talents that she had. Anne Frank's story and legend will never die and it never could.
May 20, 2004 08:15 PM
Anne went through a lot of stuff while in hiding.And we should be very glad we do not have to deal with that kind of stuff like hinding just because you are another religion. life is very valuble and dont waste it live it for anne. she wanted to live a rich life after the war but not a rich life like money but a lot of friends and everyone like her for who she is. even though she died before she could do that she still is living in a way she is living in our memories and will live on forever. we should all be thankfil that we dont have to go through that.we know that she is not the only teenager who had to go through all of this hiding and suffring during the war so we shouldnt just think about her also we should think about other teenagers and think if you were them what would you have done?
Jessica M.
May 09, 2004 03:30 PM
The diary of Anne Frank is by far the most cheerished story I own. When I read the story I receive chills and feelings of remorse. Anne had a way with words that no one her age normally would have had. I hope those who don't understand the horror of the holocaust read Anne's measage and realize the truth behind it all. Anne Frank is not only a role-model for some but a hero. She had hopes and dreams just as every-day girls and boys do today.Thank you for reading this. Jess 15.
May 07, 2004 07:30 PM
I just finished reading the diary a few days ago, not having come into contact with it during my time in school (I'm 27) it was the first time I ever read it. I was not sure about the fate of Anne, what had become of her after she wrote the diary. After having read the last page, I stared at the words "the diary of Anne ends here." and dared not to turn the page for a long time.
When I did and discovered that she did not see the day of her sixteenth birthday I remember closing the book, looking up to the ceiling and feeling my eyes fill with tears. Thinking of that wonderful, intelligent, beautiful girl that through her rich words and descriptions I almost thought I had known personally, and what a great person she could have become if she hadn't been murdered by people from my own country (I am german) made me feel so sick and sad that I just sat there on my stool for ten minutes, trembling and crying. I just could not help it.

I wish that she had survived, and that she had become the writer and/or journalist she always wanted to be. With her talent and personality, she would have had the power to change the world forever.
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