Anne Frank the Writer An Unfinished Story Original Writings

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Debbie Trudill
April 20, 2004 06:55 AM
I first heard about Anne when I was about 12 years old; im now 23. I played Anne in a school production. Anne was such a courageous young girl and astounds me how she coped. Anne reminds me of how I used to be at her age, I too used to always get told of for talking too much and being a miss know-it-all. I have been a huge follower of Anne and own 2 of the films made about her life. Now I am a parent and my child being only six also knows about Anne and has a keen interest in her. He too thinks that she was an inspiration. At least she got her wish to be famous long after life, well done Otto
josh botkin
April 16, 2004 02:37 PM
when i first read the diary(a couple months ago i'm 10) anne became one of my dearest friends and thoughts.I think the story is remarkable because of all the terrible things that happened to her she never spoke a word of hatred any were in her diary. I think of her and just how could something that awful happen to a 14 year old. But the one thing she did accomlished during her 4 years of hiding was telling the world her oppions and her thoughts about life, for the girl who would never live to be a woman
chelsey d
April 16, 2004 02:30 PM
Anne Frank the first time that I read the book I was in the 2 grade. I injoyed this book so much I am starting to write my own book about the Holocaust. This topic is a topic that I hope many children will understand and get as interested as I did with the evil things that Hitler did. My mom says "chelsey you study and research Anne Frank to much. I tell her that I can not help it if I ADORE the brave storys of a young writer. If I could share with other the way I feel about the whole thing then I know that this topic will always be known about. This web site did not change my feelings about Anne I still feel that she had a strong voice that needs to be heard to insper young girls to be heard and to write what they feel about world problems who knowns you could be someones Anne Frank.
April 10, 2004 01:37 PM
Oh my...Anne Frank. I remember when I read the book.(it was a couple months ago, I'm 11..) Anne became one of the dearest girls to me. I started a diary of my own, having started one before..but it being done. So I started with the same way Anne started her diary: "Dear Kitty..." So far, Anne has been a COMPLETE inspiration to my life. When I read her essay about giving,(called 'Give!') I was very moved that such a young person could write such extraordinary things! I sometimes envy Anne, because of how beautiful she writes and the words she uses..some of them which I need to to look up in the dictionary! I positively ADORE Anne! It's as if she's my sister, since I have only 2 brothers.I know that it must be awkward for me to say that she's like my sister and she's dead, but it's like we have an undescribable connection.There was one part in her diary that nearly made me cry! I hope that everyone who reads this will read that lovely and emotional book, The Diary of Anne Frank.I guess her dream of becoming a famous author DID come true!
Faith Pramuk
April 09, 2004 06:09 PM
It is so important that we listen and learn from beautiful documentaries such as the dairy of Anne Frank. I choke up feelings and tears whenever I remember her...especially because such a wonderful girl wrongly prosecuted...could still have such a wonderful heart and be so kind...not a pinch of prejudice against the prosecotors. 'Give' has touched my heart and we must all follow her and remeber her words when walking past a stranger, poor or rich, for we must always give, as she said.
Thank you Anne Frank for opening my eyes and making me see...I owe my life to you.
April 07, 2004 11:20 PM
I never completely understood Anne's diary until i reread it on my 13th birthday. As i read it, i felt as if Anne and i could be sisters. Crazy huh? Well everytime i read one of her entrys theres something there i can relate to. I can't understand what being in one place for 2 years is because i've never done it, but i can understand when Anne talks about changes or when she says that none of the grown ups treat her as an adult. She is so full of wisdom that i'm just dieing to figure out. It's incredible how mature she is for her age. I envy her. I wish i had as much knowledge of the world around me as she did.
April 06, 2004 05:51 PM
My mother took my brother and I aside when we were both very young and told us the story of the Holocaust. Our teachers were upset and thought that we were too young to know of this atrocity. My mother simply said,"I want them to know that this truly happened. This is history".
We never learned much in school other than the basics of the Holocaust. I'm now a freshman in college and in a Holocaust class. It is the most horrifying, awe inspiring class I have ever been in. Horrifying to know all the things that took place. Awe inspiring to learn of the courage, the bravery that victims held, such as Anne Frank. I am left speechless everytime I read this book..
April 05, 2004 11:05 PM
Anne Frank was a hero. She died at 16 and I think that was really sad. I am only in third grade and her story touched my heart. I wish I could have known her. She was one of the most brave people I could imagine. I hope all of you read her diary.
April 05, 2004 08:19 PM
Anne Frank, just by saying her name I get so sad. Her diary was the first book i read and I will never forget it. When reading her book I could almost feel her pain and her hapiness too. I didn't want to finish reading her book because I knew what was going to happen. I felt so bad that she had to die and watch her sister die too. I really don't understand how people can be so mean to people sometimes. I'm very glad she was able to tell us how she felt and even thoght she was lonely at the time she has a lot of people that admire her now.
April 05, 2004 04:34 PM
I just finished reading about this child who had such a zest for life even though she was hidden from the world.Well she is not hidden anymore she is smiling down on us from heaven because we know her story.
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