Anne Frank the Writer An Unfinished Story Original Writings

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Bethany Jackson
March 16, 2004 05:45 PM
I have just seen Anne Frank's slide show. It touches me how she is so brave when the world is crumbling down around her. How she is able to see the good side of people. If she is able to do that during bad times, shouldn't we be able to do that during the good? I'm reading the book now and it is already touching me. Her diary has touched so many people and she wasn,t able to see it. She would have a lot to say about the world today
Ilene Goldis
March 16, 2004 10:09 AM
Thank you so much for posting the incredible story of Anne Frank as a writer. As a high school librarian, I am constantly trying to make history "real" to my students. This presentation makes Anne Frank and the time in which she lived, authentic to all who view it. I plan to show "An Unfinihed Story" to my staff so they can use it. Coincidently, the boethics teacher in Radnor High School is bringing a group of students to the museum on Mon. March 22nd. As always, this will be a very important field trip.The contributions of people like Anne Frank can not be measured. I would like to believe that her life was not taken in vain because of all who have been impacted by her story and the potential that she and every student possess. Similarly, the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum is a national treasure for the present and the decades to come.
Elaine Sanchez
March 15, 2004 06:32 PM
Before I started to read the book of Anne Frank I was already familiar with the Holocaust. As a freshman in high school I did a report of the Holocaust. The most difficult part was reading all the reseach. I couldn't belive such a thing could happen. Almost all Jewish People were killed. only because Hitler didn't like them. I am now reading the Diary of Anne Frank. My mother and sister both told me the book was so sad and touching that i wouldn't want to put it down, and they were right i don't. For a girl to go into hiding its terrible. Children need to be outside to play. By Anne Frank sharing her story with everyone in this world could really hellp the youth understand what people had to go through. I bet some of the people reading wanted to just shout out,"Anne I'll help you!" because numerous times i caught myself saying that. I encourage every one to read this book if they have not done so.
Chris (Canada)
March 15, 2004 03:01 PM
I own two versions of Anne Frank's Diary and I received The Diary of A Young Girl for Christmas. I love it dearly because it gives me an idea of what Jews had to tolerate. I have relatives who lived in the Southern Netherlands during World War II and they have talked about their experiences in the past. Even though they suffered under Hitler's rule (he invaded the Netherlands in 1940), they didn't lose their lives over their religion. I have a degree in History and after reading The Diary of a Young Girl, I think I have a better appreciation for what my relatives lived through. I have an even deeper sense of what Anne Frank had to go through. I think it's disgusting to hear Holocaust-deniers claim that Frank's Diary is a hoax. How can these people claim that this is a "hoax" when so many people lost their lives and still others survived and still have the scars from their ordeals in the Concentration camps (how do these holocaust deniers explain the number tattoos on the Survivors of the Concentration camps?) This book is extremely valuable. It's an amazingly good primary source and I would strongly recommend it to anyone who wants to read it.
March 13, 2004 10:11 PM
I read Anne Frank's Diary last year, whaen I was 10 I am so glad I read it ever since then I have felt so greatful to be alive, my mom told me to read it, it had all started a year ago, we had a special TIME magazine book that talked about things that have happened over the last 75 years and I saw a picture of Adolf Hitler. I asked my mom who that was , she stared at me open mouthed, she said "don't they teach yoy anything at school?!" and I responded defencively "I'm only in the fourth grade mom." and then she told me who Hitler was and what he did to people, and most importantly she told me about Anne Frank. The next day we went to the library and she told me where to find Anne Frank's Diary. I coudn't put the book down, I was addicted to it! Im glad I read it ever since then Ive been Crazy to find more info. abot Anne Frank, I even got to go to the Holocaust museum last year, it was a great experience!!
March 10, 2004 06:37 PM
In class we are reading Anne Frank. It sends chill up my spine when I read it. I don't think I could make it that long in hidng. She was SO brave. I wish I could have met her.
Tasha Jenks
March 08, 2004 08:58 PM
I am at the moment reading Anne Frank and I am totally heart broken by the facts that I have already read. Even though I am only half way through the book. And in doing it for a book report in my 8th grade class. And I am mortified by the fact that a human being could be so cruel as to kill innocent people in that manner. I have cried many times over Anne Frank. Even though I have yet to finish the whole thing. All the stories I have heard. And all I have learned in school. But yet I have this feeling of such gratitude towards her for writing that diary helping kids today and hopefully as long as the world goes round to realize that everything in the world is NOT right and NOT okay even though everyone acts this way. I am gratefull to the fact that she has given many people my age the chance to learn what it was like in those days. Because if it wasn't for her diary I really wouldn't have any idea on how it was. Being persecuted for your belief's.
Rachel (Canada)
March 08, 2004 06:30 PM
I have read Anne's diary, and it is so powerful to me. She is such an inspiration to everyone, and I think people should learn from her example. It is devastating that she had such a short life. However, her short 15 years on earth made such a dramatic impact on millions of people who have read her extrodinary diary. It is so cruel that people back in the 1940s actually believed Jews had no rights! I think it just horrible, and no one ever should go through that kind of torture. Anne's family as well as all of the Jews were just like everyone else, and did not deserve what the Germans did to them. I think everyone should read her diary, to understand what the Jews at that time had to go through.If people learnt from Anne's example, maybe many of the wars today would not have happened, because Anne teaches people to understand one another, deep down they are good people. I read her diary when i was 16, and it really got me thinking about the many people involved in wars, going on even today! They are ordinary people, just like anyone, and should not have to witness this kind of descrimination.
jingle concon (philippines)
March 03, 2004 04:13 AM
i've read excerpts of anne frank's diary during my elem and highschool days, but it was only last week that i got the chance to read her entire diary (i got curious after reading an ad in the newspaper re an exhibit of her memorabilias ). i actually enjoyed it, and felt like i was just reading my own diary - re infatuation, girl friends, schools, identity crises, and so on. i was mindless of the war that went on then. i know WWII, but it has long been a big question on my part on how it started and why hitler hated the jews.

after reading the afterword, found at the back of book, after AF's last entry, i was really crying realizing that despite the horrors that anne was living then with, she still manged to see the beauty of life (somehow like the movie, the beutiful life) and was able to write and record their ordinary lives during those extraordinary times, with wit, intelligence and abundance of hope, and to think she was only thirteen when she started then.
Sheree Butters (New Zealand)
March 01, 2004 06:22 PM
I have read Anne's diary three times (the first time when I was about nine or ten years old). It made me sad to know that her life spent on this earth was short. Although it was short, she made an impact to millions of peoples lives. She seemed to be an intelligent young woman full of optimism and hope. I feel grateful to have read her diary and grateful to be living a safe and relatively happy life. This book is a must read for everyone!
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