Anne Frank the Writer An Unfinished Story Original Writings

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February 22, 2004 11:47 PM
I always wondered why everyone makes such a big deal about her. She just wrote a diary that someone found...right? No, I learned. She did much more than that. She represents all people who suffered in that war. And to have been taken from us at such an important time in her's just so horrible. When my life get kind of disasterous and/or i get angry, i just remember reading this book and thinking how good and protected my life is. She was living her days to the extent, and though she may have complained, she didn't give up hope. I hope that everybody in the world could read this book and feel the pain those Nazi's placed apon her, slowly just killing poor Anne day by day...
Beth Green
February 20, 2004 03:11 PM
After being informed about your website, I had to come and see the pictures, footage, and writings for myself. THANK YOU for allowing the world to be able to experience such. I cannot imagine what Anne and her family experienced, and I shudder to think about all those poor people whose lives were lost because of ignorance. Again, thank you for setting up the website.
February 20, 2004 12:29 PM
This site is amazing and does justice to Anne Frank's life. She was such a courageous teenager who's an inspiration to me as I am an aspiring writer. Anne Frank went through something that I can't even begin to imagine the trauma of. She's my hero.
Louise Taylor
February 18, 2004 04:20 AM
I go to the local libary with my Grandad and about two years ago i discovered Anne Frank's diary. Although i was only seven when i read it ,it still completely captured me . Two years later i have my own copy and a vast collection of resourse books about her, her family and the diary . I'm doing a project and she is defienatly going to be in it.
Vilma Barrientez
February 13, 2004 03:06 PM
My name is Vilma Barrientez And I am 14 years old attending San Diego High School.The first time a saw this book i thought why go back into history we already know what we need to know about Anne Frank. But unfortunatly my teacher mrs.M.C.Garza made us read it. At first i was like boring! But when we read it out loud my teacher read as if she were Anne Frank which made listening exciting. It was a book like i never read before. Just thinking or imaging what her and her family went through was terrible. I never thought i would cry after reading it but i did. This book never gets old and her spirit never dies. Anne was a wise young girl for her age that fasinates me. I see many people old And young who act as if they were toddlers. Many adults and teenagers can learn so much from Anne's book. And may the rest of you enjoy reading Anne Frank As well as i did.
February 09, 2004 11:00 PM
I am 13 years old, and at my Language Arts class, we had to read a play about Anne Frank, and watch the screenplay. My sister who is one year older than I am read the book last year, and she just said it was boring. So this year i was like"oh great we get to read a boring Holocaust book" then when we started reading it i couldnt put it down. Then we saw the screenplay, and it truly made my whole class have watery eyes, including my 57 year old male teacher. In my sheltered Georgia suburbs, I dont get to see that racism goes on just around me, and i take it for granted that I dont have to go through anything like Anne did, and have been so brave for two years of the Annex. I was amazed at her courage and her spirit. She is truly my hero and idol. I have to write an essay about the fates and futures of the occupants of Anne's annex had they survived W.W.2 and the Holocaust en masse, whether we think that her diary deserved its revered place among the world's greatest literary and biographical writings. This essay will definately come from the heart.
February 09, 2004 10:27 PM
I first read Anne's diary when i was a freshman in highschool. I found that her story was very tragic and that she was a very intelligent girl who was wise beyond her years.In the four years since then I have read the book several times and still cry at the end of the story. She was so young and never got to live her dreams. The part that I cherish the most is that her wish to go on living after she is dead has come true. Her book showed me that life is what you make it and i am now on a quest to find out as much as I can about this remarkable girl whose story has touched millions.
February 07, 2004 11:08 PM
I think that Anne Frank was, and still is an amazing girl. She was very wise, and very creative. I have just recently started reading her diary. For two reasons: One, we have been talking about WWII in school and two, because I am 13 years old, the same age she was when she first stated writing her diary. I think that if I could have met her we would have gotten along very well. She seems a lot like me. I've always kept journals and written things. I understand her feelings and it makes me feel less alone being able to read some of the things she wrote and thinking "I have thought that same thing before!"
February 07, 2004 11:04 PM
i happened to read anne franks diary at a time of great despair (when nothing was going right) but reading anne franks diary has made me realize that we take many things for granted in our life .now i live every day of my life to the fullest ,knowing that i have been fortunate enough to live such a wonderful life without fear or hatred around me.
"true to her words in her diary anne still lives on".
(believe me annes diary has been the only book that has made me cry at the end of the book )
February 05, 2004 01:09 PM
Anne Frank was an inspirational story which filled my heart with mixed emotions...thanks to her journals, I have been writing in journals and writing numerous stories- 2/5/04
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