Anne Frank the Writer An Unfinished Story Original Writings

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Elaine K. Boyce
January 25, 2004 04:54 PM
I am almost thirteen the same age that Anne Frank was she started keeping a diary.I think it is a wonderful story for everyone.It is very moving and tells us the reality of loneliness,war, and finding yourself!
Mary Grace Emmanuelle Ilagan
January 22, 2004 02:42 AM
hello, i am from the Philippines and i have watched your story. I am so much inspired by it.
Elizabeth C. Jones
January 21, 2004 07:51 PM
I first read Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl when I was in third grade. I didn't ever finish it, and then I lost the copy I had. I recently obtained a copy, and since then I've read it over and over again. Now I am in sixth grade and I do everything I can to find info on Anne. She is my favorite historical figure; I admire her so much. I wonder how she would've survived- I doubt I could have! I only wish she was here to see what such an impact on the world she had. Anne will live on forever in our hearts- no matter what!
January 21, 2004 11:22 AM
I am in 8th grade and this year we had just started reading the Diary of Anne Frank Diary...Before this year I really had no idea what the Holocaust was or what all went on at that time! When we started our unit in The Holocaust we started with the movie of Anne Frank and then we went to the Holocast museum I have learned so much during this. I think with all the stories and surivors we should take all this into consideration and we are the class of 2008 the last people to live while there are surivors we should tell our children about the Holocast and tell them i talked to a surivor and tell them all they can know! Becuase history might be in the past but it can always re-live again! with our childrens children and so forth knowing this they will be able to keep word going and keep our nation strong and having everyoen equal!!!!!!!!!
ralph erhardt
January 20, 2004 05:30 PM
when anne started her writeings, i was less than a month old, being born in aug of 1943. her story & stories touched me deeply & i marvel at her strength at such a young age. todays kids would not be able to cope with what she endured. she is now free, in heaven, where all good souls go. anne, i will see you there !
Tristan Ula
January 19, 2004 08:33 PM
I have read Anne's diary many times and every time I feel more connected to her and the way she lives on. She longed to change the world, I wish she was here to se what she has accomplished!
January 17, 2004 09:43 PM
Anne Frank is the a wonderful girl. With such a big heart, I am changed and blessed by her big heart. She is a beautiful person inside and out. anne Forever
January 16, 2004 07:02 PM
Anne Frank is my personal idol. She went through so much at my age, it amazes me. I freak out when I don't get to go somewhere with a friend, where as she couldn't go anywhere for 2 years! We have the same outlook on life, and an intrest in writing. I want to be just like Anne.
January 13, 2004 06:14 PM
I started reading Anne's diary when I was in 5th grade. At such a young age I did not realize how much the book would impact my life, even now 6 years later. It upsets me so much when people, especially young people, don't take the time to understand what these people went through. I honestly think that everyone at some point in their lives should read the diary. It's so easy to relate your life to hers, even with decades between the two. She will be forever in my heart.
January 12, 2004 05:51 PM
I have read Anne Frank's Diary 5 times and it still amazes me each time i read it however i find myself asking the same question how could someone so young go through something like that and people twice her age dont have that much courage or so wise whenever i read the diary i remember how lucky i am for the freedom i my language arts class we are studying the holocaust and we read anne franks diary i really enjoy her story and just wish she had lived to continue her diary
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