Anne Frank the Writer An Unfinished Story Original Writings

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January 10, 2004 09:13 PM
I think that the fact of people wanting to kill one another because of their religious beliefs is horrible. I had to study about Anne Frank for a school project, and what I have learned so far about her family and how they lived in hiding makes me appreciate my freedom even more.
bret harte student
January 07, 2004 06:52 PM
Dear ( ),
We are students from Bret Harte Middle School in San Jose, California. In our eighth grade language arts class, an educational long -term discussion about the Holocaust is currently occurring. viewing specifically on Anne Frank, our teacher, Mr. Delong, has brought up a major assignment named the Anne Frank Wall Project. It is basically a A "wall" of photos that present people from all around the world holding a copy of Ms. Frank's diary in their language. There has even been pictures taken in front of famous monuments, such as the Great Wall of China ( for more information, go to HTTP:// The purpose of this project is to show the power and influence this single teenager has brought to mankind. As an aid to help bring this view to the rest of the world, we ask you to please publicize this project by adding the HTTP:// site as a link to your site. We would appreciate it if you could do this to help realize Anne Frank's dream to "go on living, even after my death." Thank you for your time.

Bret Harte Students +
Mr. Delong (
January 07, 2004 04:48 PM
Wow. I read the Diary a few months ago for school, and I couldnt put it down. To see what such a girl exactly my age had to go through, it makes me feel grateful for everything that I have. I recomeent the book to everybody!
January 07, 2004 01:18 PM
It hurts! It hurts to think of a young girl and her entire family (with the others in The Secret Annex)living through all that they did. It hurts to think of her murder. It hurts to think that people would be forced to live in seclusion for fear of death. it hurts to think that she can't offer more of her inciteful, brilliant writing. It replenishes my spirit to know that anyone (especially given her lack of age, yet wealth of wisdom) could survive let alone flourish as an individual, as a writer. Anne lives!
January 06, 2004 10:55 PM
I find myself thinking of Anne often. Having recently read her diary for the first time I am a changed person. I've never known someone so wise beyond her years or brave beyond all that is reasonable. I am now, and will forever be amazed at how much I, being a 23 year old male, share with a teenage girl who lived in the 1930'3 and 40's. Her sentiment is timeless. Anne's presence on this earth was a gift and the world is all that much darker for having lost her. She moved me to tears and will live in my heart forever.
January 05, 2004 05:11 PM
I think it is sad but amazing what she went through.Her diary has taught me to be thankful for what I already have. She was very strong.
January 04, 2004 10:12 AM
I am 17 years old, about to become 18. I first read Anne Frank's Diary when I was 14, and my family was going through a lot of trouble and I needed an escape. Upon reading the diary, I felt ashamed that I should worry about my petty problems so much when Anne had problems a hundred times worse and she still managed to be so optimistic about life. From then on I've managed to keep my chin up and grin and bear all the unpleasant things in life. I wish I'd known Anne, we would have got along so great because I share her ideas on a lot of things. In fact I was struck by how like me she seemed. I guess lots of girls like me think that way. It's very sad and unfortunate and unfair that she had to die, but she still lives on in her diary and in the hearts of the people who read it. Even though I have never seen her (in real life), I am glad I got to know her.
January 03, 2004 11:38 AM
I am 12 years old and just finished reading the Diary for fun. The book touched my heart in every way. I cried towards the end of the book . Now my 7 year old sister is trying her hardest to understand why this book is so touching to many people. I think Anne was so brave for going through what she went through. I know I could not have done any of that. I also admire another person in the Anne Frank books and that is Miep Gies. I`ve always hoped to meet her. And I`m also on student cuncil and am trying to convince the officers to let us got to the Holocaust Museum.
December 31, 2003 06:43 AM
I am fourteen years old and first read Anne's diary when I was ten. I have read her diary countless times since, and every time I do, I am greatly touched by the courage and bravery she showed. The way I feel when I read Anne's diary is indescribable. Such a wise, intelligent, inspiring soul, that it truly breaks my heart to think of the pain and horror she endured, tears are filling my eyes at this very moment. Anne, who was a young teen close to my age when writing her diary, showed great maturity and wisdom in her diary. I am also a writer, and once upon a time I hated my talent of writing and tried to hide it. Anne showed me that by writing, you really can change the world. I remember as a young ten year old, sitting on my couch on a school night close to eleven, reading Anne's diary, the copy I had borrowed from the school diary. I remember staying up until close to two that night, reading Anne's diary. I remember thinking what a brave, courageous and brilliantly smart girl she was, and four years later when I read Anne's diary I still think what an incredibly brave, courageous and brilliantly smart person she was. Truly an unforgetable person, indescribably touching and inspiring.
December 26, 2003 05:17 PM
I can't believe what horrible things the Jews had to go through. I myself am Jewish and feel so sorry for the Frank family. Anne Frank had many dreams that I think she would have fulfilled if it weren't for the Nazis. She was a wonderful girl. I would have loved to talk to her and learn more about her time. Otto Frank was also a great person and I felt sorry for him because he had to live with the guilt that he survived and the rest of his family didn't. I hope the Frank and Van Dyck family know in heaven a lot of people care about them.
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