Anne Frank the Writer An Unfinished Story Original Writings

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December 23, 2003 01:35 PM
I read the Diary of Anne Frank when I was about 12. It left an indellible impression of a young girl who was wise beyond her years. As a mother, I have been fortunate to have visited the Anne Frank Huis in Amsterdam and I took my 14 year old daughter there to experience the museum/exhibition/hiding place first hand. She enjoyed the visit, yet is haunted by the story of what Anne and her family and friends endured through the time they were "imprisoned" in this very small area upstairs and at the back of that building. Her story, and that of her family serves to remind us of the atrocities that the Holocaust inflicted. Our home in Australia seems so far removed from that small place on a canal in Amsterdam. May the world share the legacy that Anne left for us all...
John B. Quinlan
December 23, 2003 08:18 AM
I first read the Diary back about 1950. It was serialized in the Chicago Sun-Times and I would read it on my lunch break at the factory where I worked. I must have been dumb or naive, certaintly clueless because it was my first real exposure to the holocaust. It still is very hard for me to imagine how anyone can treat other people the horrible, evil way that was done. I was embaressed because I knew that my own country was not innocent. I remember signs in windows when I was a child saying "Gentiles Only". So much sadness.
December 23, 2003 04:25 AM
My english teacher told me i might like "The Diary Of Anne Frank". i'm so grateful to her now!i think Anne's diary is sort of like an example to people. its saying like"look, you can take my home, steal my freedom, kill my relatives and friends, but i will keep on living! i'm strong, i have a religion to follow,i have my family, do what u cruel people do, but the time will come when its gonna be the other way round!!!" I love her diary, i cried when it ended with death! i think of all the things she did, and want to start screaming, its so unfair,i had no idea that the world contains people so nasty! i'm so angry to think that she's gone!
Maya Taft- Morales
December 22, 2003 11:44 AM
I have't read the real diary, but I LOVED this site! I learned a lot and hope there is more sites like this soon.
December 20, 2003 11:50 AM
I got Anne Frank's diary through a book order, and at first I regretted it. It looked so BORING! But then I began reading it, and then Anne's story unfolded. I was truly amazed at what a girl her age could do. I read it over and over, and already it has started wearing out. I get all the books on Anne Frank that I can find, and I look at her diary again, and I realize that I have taken her words to heart and I have been one of the many touched by her writing.
December 14, 2003 09:03 PM
I am 11 years old and just finished reading the Diary for a report in school. I thought it was a wonderful book and a great model for others. I was touched by her writings and I don't think I would be able to go through what she did. She was very brave. She will always be in my thoughts. After reading this, I would love to learn more about her and this time. I would love to visit the Anne Frank house and the Holocaust Museum.
December 12, 2003 12:07 PM
anne Frank has inspired me in many ways.... i have read her diary over a hundred times and her story has touched my heart.... i believe everyone should know about her lifestyle and the horrors of the Jews.she has inspired me to become a writer... i have started a journal and i believe that every teenager should keep one because when you write you can just let your mind go.
December 08, 2003 03:41 PM
I was first exposed to Anne Frank in the 8th grade, some 20 years ago. I remember with great sadness that of the 8 in hiding, only Otto survived. This very much shaped my sense of social justice, and every day I strive in my social studies classroom to help shape students into more compassionate citizens. This exhibit was extremely moving. The essay "Give!" at the end of the exhibit has made a lasting impression upon me. I could not help but wonder how much better the world might be today if Anne had been able to realize her dreams. "What might have been" is such a painful thought. Let us all dedicate our lives to make sure our world is a more just place.
December 08, 2003 03:04 PM
My heart aches to think of the loss of Anne, but what a wonderful, wonderful legacy she left us. She amazes me every time I teach this, and that's been about 30 times over the course of my teaching career. She was such a wise soul. I wish I could've known her.
December 07, 2003 03:12 PM
I think that Anne Frank is an amazing she puts all feelings and emotions into one entry. I myself am a 13 year old girl, but i never expected there to be so much wisdom in someone my age. I know that myself have great feelings for how to change the world, but i could never put it in to something as great of emotion as Anne Frank did...too bad she died, with only 1 week left for her to be free from the concentration camp.
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